Home » Ghana Fails to Make Top Ten List of Safest African Countries

Ghana Fails to Make Top Ten List of Safest African Countries

A report by the Global Initiative Against Transnational Organized Crime ranks countries based on their crime index.

by Motoni Olodun

Ghana has been left out of the top ten African countries with the lowest crime rates, according to a recent report by the Global Initiative Against Transnational Organized Crime. The report, which ranks countries based on their crime index, shows that Ghana scored 57.62 points, placing it at 18th among African countries.

The crime index measures the overall level of crime in a given country, taking into account factors such as the scale, reach, and influence of illicit markets, the composition and influence of criminal actors, and the resilience-building elements. A lower index indicates a lower crime rate.

The report reveals that São Tomé and Príncipe, a small island nation in the Gulf of Guinea, has achieved the second-lowest crime index in the world, with only 13.45 points. The country is known for its natural beauty and cultural diversity and has been praised for its commitment to its residents and visitors’ safety and security.

Other African countries that made it to the top ten list are Rwanda (29th globally), Seychelles (35th), Lesotho (39th), Comoros (40th), Eritrea (41st), Cabo Verde (52nd), Namibia (53rd), Botswana (54th), and Mauritius (56th).

The report also highlights the global trend of increasing organized crime, which poses a significant threat to Africa’s development and potential. It states that an alarming 83% of the global population lives in high-crime areas, while only 62% live in areas with low susceptibility to organized crime.

The report calls for more efforts to address the root causes of crime and implement effective strategies to reduce crime rates in Africa and beyond. It also urges the government and the industry to work together to ensure the safety and benefits of artificial intelligence, which is becoming more powerful and potentially dangerous.

Ghana’s absence from the top ten list serves as a reminder that the country still faces challenges in combating crime and ensuring the security of its citizens. However, it also offers an opportunity for improvement and learning from the best practices of other countries that have managed to maintain low crime rates despite global challenges.

Source: GhanaWeb

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