Home » Bolewura Backs Mahama: 75% Vote Pledge for 2024 Election

Bolewura Backs Mahama: 75% Vote Pledge for 2024 Election

Paramount Chief of Bole Rallies Support for John Mahama’s Presidential Bid

by Oluwatosin Racheal Alabi

In a significant political endorsement, Bolewura Sarfo Kutuge Feso I, the paramount chief of Bole, has pledged to garner an impressive 75% of votes from the Bole area for John Mahama in the upcoming December 7, 2024, presidential election. This commitment was made during a courtesy call by Mr. Mahama, who was warmly received by the chief and the people of the Bole Traditional Area.

The Bolewura emphasized the importance of supporting their kinsman, John Dramani Mahama, in his bid for the presidency. In a powerful address to his sub-chiefs and subjects, the chief highlighted the distinction between a friend and a relative, urging the community to rally behind Mahama and the National Democratic Congress (NDC) to secure a decisive victory in Bole.

This endorsement is not just about political allegiance but also about empowering the chieftaincy institution, particularly in Gonjaland. The Bolewura expressed his firm belief that John Mahama is the leader capable of ensuring such empowerment for Gonja chiefs. His confidence in Mahama is rooted in a shared vision for the development of Bole and the broader Savannah region.

During this visit, the chief fondly referred to Mr. Mahama as his son, underlining the deep personal and communal connections at play. He passionately spoke about the need to restore honor to Bole and Gonjaland, calling for concerted efforts to elevate the prestige of the Bole Traditional Area.

John Mahama’s visit to Bole was marked by various community engagements. He spent the first three days of the new year in his hometown, where he organized a get-together for the Savanna regional and constituency executives of the NDC. Alongside his wife, Lordina, the Mahama family also extended their generosity by providing hot meals for local children and holding meetings with branch executives of the Bole Constituency.

This interaction highlights the deep-rooted connections and political dynamics in Ghanaian society, where traditional leaders hold significant sway in their communities. The Bolewura’s endorsement is a testament to the trust and respect John Mahama commands in his hometown, potentially influencing the political landscape as the nation inches closer to the 2024 presidential election.

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