Home » Ghana Faces Crucial Choice in 2024 Presidential Election

Ghana Faces Crucial Choice in 2024 Presidential Election

by Motoni Olodun

ACCRA, Ghana (AP) — Ghana’s former Special Prosecutor, Martin Amidu, has issued a scathing statement ahead of the 2024 general election, urging the citizens to vote wisely and reject the “polished deception” of the ruling party.

Amidu, who resigned from his post in November 2020, accusing President Nana Akufo-Addo of interfering with his investigations into corruption cases, said the election is a “referendum” on the performance of the government and its commitment to fight graft.

He said the ruling New Patriotic Party (NPP) has failed to deliver on its promises of good governance, economic growth, and social justice, and has instead engaged in “unprecedented levels of corruption, nepotism, and impunity”.

He also criticized the opposition National Democratic Congress (NDC), which he once belonged to, for being complicit in the “looting” of the nation’s resources and for lacking a clear vision for the future.

He said both parties have betrayed the trust of the people and have reduced the election to a “game of personalities and propaganda”.

He urged the voters to look beyond the “empty slogans” and “fake news” of the politicians and to demand accountability and transparency from them.

He said the election is a choice between “punishment and repentance” and “continued sin camouflaged with polished deception”.

He said the only way to restore the dignity and sovereignty of Ghana is to elect leaders who are honest, competent, and patriotic, and who will uphold the rule of law and the public interest.

He said he is not endorsing any candidate or party, but rather speaking as a “citizen vigilante” who is concerned about the fate of his country.

He said he hopes his statement will inspire other Ghanaians to speak up and to exercise their civic rights and responsibilities.

He said he believes that Ghana can overcome its challenges and achieve its potential if the people unite and demand change.

He said he prays for a peaceful and fair election that will reflect the true will of the people.

Source: Ghana Web

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