Home » Mahama Urges Ghanaians to Vote in 2024 Elections

Mahama Urges Ghanaians to Vote in 2024 Elections

Former president says citizens should not lose hope in their country despite crisis

by Victor Adetimilehin

Former president John Dramani Mahama has called on Ghanaians to cast their votes in the 2024 elections and not give up on their country despite the challenges it faces.

Mahama, who is the flagbearer of the opposition National Democratic Congress (NDC), appealed to a church service at the Sanctuary of Wind and Fire Assemblies of God Church in Tamale on Saturday.

He said many youths had lost hope in the future of Ghana due to the economic and social crisis that had gripped the nation. He urged them to exercise their democratic right and choose leaders who would work for their welfare and development.

“Sometimes, we go through tribulations and that does not mean we should throw up our hands in despair. We must continue to work hard to achieve the objectives we set for ourselves,” he said.

He added that God had not abandoned Ghana, but was using the difficult times to test and teach the people. He cited a biblical example of how God led the Israelites through the wilderness for 40 years before taking them to the promised land.

“Today, the black star has fallen but I can assure you that it will rise again,” he said, referring to the national symbol of Ghana.

Mahama also said he and his party were committed to reviving the country and restoring its glory. He said he would strive to make the country a better place than he met it when he was in power from 2012 to 2016.

According to a report by Ghana Web, he said the NDC had a vision and a plan to transform Ghana into a prosperous and inclusive society. He said the party would focus on creating jobs, improving education, health, infrastructure, and agriculture, and fighting corruption.

Mahama also thanked the church for its prayers and support for him and his family. He said he was grateful for the grace and mercy of God that had sustained him through the ups and downs of his political career.

He wished the congregation a happy and prosperous new year and asked them to keep praying for peace and stability in Ghana.

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