Home » Zongo Chief Celebrates 20 Years of Peaceful Coexistence in Ghana

Zongo Chief Celebrates 20 Years of Peaceful Coexistence in Ghana

How Nii Futa has fostered harmony and development among diverse communities in Nima

by Victor Adetimilehin

Nima, a deprived community in Accra, is home to people from various ethnic and religious backgrounds. For the past 20 years, they have lived together peacefully under the leadership of Nii Futa, the Chief of the Zongo community.

Nii Futa marked his 20th anniversary of coronation with a grand durbar on Sunday, where he showcased the rich cultural heritage of the Zongo people. The event was attended by dignitaries, including President Nana Addo Dankwah Akuffo Addo, who praised the Chief for his exemplary role in promoting social cohesion and tolerance.

A Legacy of Unity and Harmony

President Akuffo Addo urged Ghanaians not to listen to anyone who tries to divide them along religious or tribal lines. 

According to a report by Ghana Web, he said Muslims and Christians were all part of the Ghanaian framework, and any language of intolerance and division must not be tolerated.

“We live in a country where a Muslim minority can live peacefully and in harmony with a Christian majority. We live in a country where all the communities can co-exist, and that is the legacy we must cherish and preserve,” he said.

The President also recalled his fond memories as a resident of Nima, where he has lived since age 12. He said he was proud to be associated with the community and its people.

A Vision for Development and Progress

Nii Futa, in his address, advocated for more representation for Zongo people in high offices, saying he was yet to see a Zongo person appointed to any cabinet position in the current and past regimes. He also bemoaned the spike in urban poverty among Zongo communities due to the lack of social and economic opportunities.

“Mr. President, you will agree with me that poverty is pretty much a major development challenge in Ghana, and urban poverty is becoming a major threat to us as a country, a threat to our middle-income status. Zongo communities have come to represent large enclaves of poverty, slums, and other physical and non-physical vulnerabilities,” he said.

However, he acknowledged the progress made in addressing the challenges in Zongo communities through the creation of the Zongo Development Fund to create sustainable development. He also commended the President for his commitment to education, especially for girls.

Nii Futa expressed his hope that his 20th anniversary would inspire more Zongo youths to aspire for greatness and contribute to the nation’s development. He said he was optimistic that Ghana would overcome its current difficulties and emerge stronger and more prosperous.

He also thanked the people of Nima for their support and loyalty over the years, and urged them to continue to uphold the values of peace, unity, and harmony that have characterized their community.

He concluded his speech by saying: “We are one people, one nation, with a common destiny. Let us work together to make Ghana the shining star of Africa.”

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