Home » Akufo-Addo Boosts Ghana’s Military Power Amid Regional Threats 

Akufo-Addo Boosts Ghana’s Military Power Amid Regional Threats 

President announces new measures to enhance the Ghana Armed Forces’ capabilities and readiness

by Motoni Olodun

President Nana Addo Dankwa Akufo-Addo has announced a series of measures to expand and modernize the Ghana Armed Forces (GAF) in response to the growing security challenges in the West African region. Speaking at the graduation ceremony of 292 cadets at the Ghana Military Academy in Accra on Friday, November 17, 2023, Akufo-Addo said his government has invested heavily in the military’s capabilities and readiness to protect the country from “any threat from anywhere”.

The president said he has approved the establishment of new units, departments, and schools within the GAF, such as the National College of Defence Studies, the Sargent Major’s Academy, the Armed Forces Central Band, and the Artillery Training School. He also said he has upgraded the directorates of military records and public relations to departments, and expanded the Air Force Support Services Brigade Group and the Armed Forces Medical Corps.

Akufo-Addo also revealed that his government has awarded contracts for the construction of 12 forward operating bases and three logistics bases along the northern border of Ghana, where the threats of terrorism and violent extremism have been rising in recent years. He said these bases will help contain the threats emanating from across the northern frontiers and enhance the GAF’s capabilities to deal decisively with contemporary threats within and outside the country.

The president’s announcement comes at a time when Ghana’s neighbours, such as Burkina Faso, Mali, and Niger, have been facing increasing attacks from militant groups linked to al-Qaeda and the Islamic State. According to the United Nations, more than 6,000 people have been killed and over 2 million displaced by the violence in the Sahel region since 2015. Ghana has been supporting regional efforts to combat terrorism, such as the G5 Sahel Joint Force and the Multinational Joint Task Force, and has also deployed peacekeepers to various conflict zones in Africa and beyond.

Akufo-Addo commended the graduating cadets, including two from the Republic of Guinea, for their hard work and dedication, and urged them to uphold the values of loyalty, discipline, and professionalism. He also expressed his appreciation to the GAF for their role in maintaining peace and stability in Ghana, especially during the 2020 general elections and the COVID-19 pandemic. He assured them of his government’s continued support and commitment to their welfare and development.

The graduation ceremony was attended by the Vice President, Dr Mahamudu Bawumia, the Minister of Defence, Dominic Nitiwul, the Chief of Defence Staff, Lt. Gen. Obed Boamah Akwa, and other senior military and civilian officials. The ceremony also featured a colourful parade, a display of military equipment, and a fly-past by the Ghana Air Force.

Source: GhanaWeb

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