Home » Ghanaian Politician Faces Defamation Lawsuit, Must Produce Medical Records

Ghanaian Politician Faces Defamation Lawsuit, Must Produce Medical Records

Asiedu Nketia Accused of False Statements Regarding Former Auditor-General

by Victor Adetimilehin

Ghanaian politician Johnson Asiedu Nketia, chairman of the National Democratic Congress (NDC), is facing a defamation lawsuit filed by former Auditor-General Professor Dua Agyeman. The lawsuit centers on allegations made by Nketia that Agyeman produced fake audit reports in 1983. Agyeman vehemently denies these claims and is seeking vindication through the courts.

Accusations on Radio Spark Legal Action

Professor Agyeman alleges that in October 2018, Nketia made false statements on Accra-based radio station Neat FM. Agyeman claims Nketia publicly accused him of generating fake audit reports while working for the Audit Service in 1983. These accusations, according to the lawsuit, tarnished Agyeman’s reputation and professional integrity, prompting him to seek legal recourse.

The lawsuit began in October 2018. However, Nketia has not appeared in court since the initial filing. On July 1st, 2024, Nketia was expected to present his defense. However, his lawyers informed the court that Nketia was unable to attend due to illness.

Justice Audrey Kocuvie-Tay, presiding judge over the case, demanded medical documentation to verify Nketia’s claims of illness. When the case resumed on July 3rd, Nketia’s lawyers requested an adjournment, stating that the person delivering the medical records was delayed due to traffic congestion.

Judge Expresses Skepticism

Justice Kocuvie-Tay expressed skepticism about the traffic explanation. She pointed out that the court remained operational despite any weather-related traffic issues. The judge emphasized the importance of Nketia providing concrete evidence to support his claims. Consequently, she ordered Nketia’s lawyers to submit the medical records by July 4th and adjourned the case until July 5th.

Professor Agyeman is seeking a court order declaring Nketia’s statements defamatory. He also wants a public apology issued by Nketia, broadcast on Neat FM and published in prominent Ghanaian print media. Additionally, Agyeman is requesting an injunction to prevent Nketia from making further defamatory statements. The lawsuit seeks financial compensation of GH¢20 million (approximately US$4.5 million) for the damage Nketia’s alleged actions caused to Agyeman’s reputation

This defamation case underscores the importance of responsible public discourse, particularly amongst prominent figures like Nketia. Unsubstantiated accusations aired publicly can have severe consequences for those targeted. The court’s decision will be closely watched, with implications for upholding ethical standards in Ghanaian media and political spheres.

Source: Graphic Online 

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