Home » Cudjoe Criticizes Bawumia’s Running Mate Choice, Questions NAPO’s Suitability

Cudjoe Criticizes Bawumia’s Running Mate Choice, Questions NAPO’s Suitability

Energy Sector and Free SHS Under Scrutiny

by Adenike Adeodun

IMANI Africa founder Franklin Cudjoe has raised concerns over Dr. Mahamudu Bawumia’s choice of Dr. Matthew Opoku Prempeh, known as NAPO, as his running mate for the 2024 elections. Cudjoe shared his thoughts on Facebook, highlighting NAPO’s controversial public comments and questioning his suitability for the role.

Cudjoe acknowledged NAPO’s qualities but pointed out his tendency to be abrasive. He said, “NAPO is his own nemesis. He can be abrasive when he wants to.” Cudjoe emphasized that NAPO needs to address issues in the energy sector and the impact of the Free SHS program on the country’s GDP.

Cudjoe described NAPO as a “difficult running mate choice” due to his past pronouncements. He noted that NAPO has several questions to answer, particularly regarding the Free SHS program he implemented as Education Minister. “He must tell us how qualitatively he thinks free SHS has added to the country’s GDP,” Cudjoe stated.

Despite his reservations, Cudjoe acknowledged NAPO’s professionalism during his time as the ranking member of the health committee in Parliament. He recalled being invited to testify on the public health bill, where he admired NAPO’s handling of the committee. However, Cudjoe also highlighted the significant challenges NAPO faced in rolling out the Free SHS program.

According to myjoyonline.com, NPP flagbearer Bawumia presented NAPO as his running mate during a meeting with President Nana Addo Dankwa Akufo-Addo at the Jubilee House. President Akufo-Addo offered advice and ultimately accepted Bawumia’s choice.

NAPO, the Member of Parliament for Manhyia South, has held various positions, including Education Minister and currently, Energy Minister. He was first elected to Parliament in 2008 and has been re-elected in subsequent elections.

Cudjoe’s criticism extends to NAPO’s handling of the energy sector, where a $2 billion deficit remains a significant issue. He also questioned how NAPO plans to tackle corruption and reduce excessive government spending. “He must deal with aggressive corruption and reduce big daddy expenditure plans,” Cudjoe asserted.

Cudjoe also urged NAPO to hold Bawumia accountable for the economic challenges Ghana faces. He emphasized the need for transparency and responsibility from the leadership team. “He must ask his boss, Bawumia, to own up and man up to the economic decadence he has been a part of,” Cudjoe added.

The announcement of NAPO as Bawumia’s running mate has sparked various reactions among Ghanaians. Supporters of the government view the decision as a strategic move, while critics, including Cudjoe, see it as problematic due to NAPO’s controversial past and the current economic challenges.

Franklin Cudjoe’s critique of NAPO’s nomination highlights the complexities and challenges facing Ghana’s political landscape. As the 2024 elections approach, the choice of a running mate will undoubtedly influence public opinion and the overall campaign dynamics. The government must address these concerns to gain the confidence of the electorate.

Source: Ghana Web

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