Home » Traders Endorse Akosua Osei-Opare for NPP 2024 Running Mate

Traders Endorse Akosua Osei-Opare for NPP 2024 Running Mate

Widespread Support Grows for Frema Osei-Opare in Ashanti Region

by Adenike Adeodun

Traders from 38 communities in the Ahafo Ano South West district of Ghana’s Ashanti Region are rallying behind Akosua Frema Osei-Opare as the New Patriotic Party’s (NPP) running mate for the 2024 presidential elections.

The traders from Kunsi, Barniekrom, Tepa, Domeabra, Abuakwa, Bomaa, Mpasaaso, and Hiamankwa believe Osei-Opare’s candidacy will significantly boost the NPP’s chances. They acknowledge her contributions to national development, particularly the successful Free SHS Policy, which she advised the government on.

At a media briefing on Kunsu Market Day, spokesperson Elvis Ofosu Kwarteng highlighted Osei-Opare’s widespread admiration across political and ethnic backgrounds in the district. He emphasized that the NPP needs a running mate who can attract votes from diverse groups, and Osei-Opare fits this profile.

Kwarteng stated, “We are aware of Frema Osei-Opare’s good works, including her benevolence towards market women, the youth, and children. With her as running mate to Dr. Bawumia, we are sure to galvanize massive support for the NPP in the December 7 polls.”

He noted that the diverse population of Ahafo Ano South West requires a running mate who understands and addresses their needs. Osei-Opare’s track record of concern for living conditions and community support makes her an ideal candidate.

The spokesperson mentioned the current state of the marketplace, constructed by the NPP government, which lacks essential public utility services and places of convenience. He compared it to better-developed markets like Bantama, Kejetia, and Race Course, where Osei-Opare has made significant improvements.

Kwarteng added, “We believe the selection of Frema Opare would enable her to extend support to us and other markets across Ghana.” He pointed out that despite the construction of sheds and stalls by the government, the market infrastructure is in poor condition, with flooding during heavy rains.

The traders’ endorsement of Akosua Frema Osei-Opare underscores their confidence in her ability to drive development and improve living conditions. Her selection as the NPP running mate could be a strategic move to secure broader support and enhance the party’s prospects in the upcoming elections.

Source: Ghana Web

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