Home » KSM Warns of Early Election Rigging, Urges EC Vigilance

KSM Warns of Early Election Rigging, Urges EC Vigilance

Calls for Fair Process in Ghana’s December 2024 Elections

by Adenike Adeodun

Veteran broadcaster Kweku Sintim-Misa (KSM) has cautioned against potential rigging in the upcoming December 7, 2024, general elections in Ghana. Speaking on his TalkShop program, KSM emphasized that election rigging often begins well before election day, contrary to popular belief.

“Rigging doesn’t happen on the day of the election. If you wait until then, you’ve waited too long,” he said. He explained that rigging could be orchestrated by anyone, including the government and opposition parties in their strongholds.

KSM advised the Electoral Commission of Ghana (EC) to implement measures to prevent any form of rigging. “I’m not just referring to the government when I mention rigging. It’s about ensuring a free and fair process. The future of Ghana is in your hands,” he stressed.

Recent events within the EC have raised concerns, including reports of missing election equipment. KSM urged the commission to address these issues promptly to maintain public trust. “There have been too many small incidents lately. Resolve every issue, no matter how insignificant it may seem. People suspect irregularities,” he noted.

For instance, KSM highlighted reports of missing biometric verification devices (BVD) from the Electoral Commission’s office. “How could these machines go missing without CCTV monitoring? Are these machines truly missing? If so, people have the right to ask questions,” he remarked.

The veteran broadcaster’s comments come as Ghana prepares for a highly anticipated election. The EC’s role in ensuring a transparent process is crucial. KSM’s call to action is a reminder of the importance of vigilance and integrity in electoral processes.

In related news, GhanaWeb, in conjunction with Korle-Bu Teaching Hospital, is campaigning for comprehensive legislation on organ harvesting, donation, and transplantation in Ghana. The initiative aims to ensure that parliament passes laws to guide these critical medical procedures.

Source: Ghana Web

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