Home » NPP MP Criticizes NDC’s Irresponsibility, Urges Constructive Opposition Efforts

NPP MP Criticizes NDC’s Irresponsibility, Urges Constructive Opposition Efforts

Ghana's Democracy at Risk Without Responsible Opposition, MP Warns

by Adenike Adeodun

Dr. Dickson Adomako Kissi, a Member of Parliament for Anyaa-Sowutuom in the Greater Accra Region, has launched a scathing attack on the National Democratic Congress (NDC). He labeled the main opposition party irresponsible, saying it hampers Ghana’s progress.

Speaking on CTV’s morning show “Dwabo,” hosted by Dr. Desmond Kofi Annan and Harrison Kwaku Ofosu, Adomako Kissi criticized the NDC for its approach to governance. He argued that the lack of a responsible opposition party poses a significant threat to Ghana’s democracy.

“The major threat to the country’s democracy is the lack of a responsible opposition,” he said. “You can oppose the government by being responsible, but the elements in the NDC Minority do not see it that way.”

Adomako Kissi, who recently lost in the New Patriotic Party’s (NPP) primary, accused the NDC of opposing government initiatives without offering constructive alternatives. He stressed that parties must act responsibly for the country’s development even in opposition.

The MP highlighted Ghana’s challenges, asserting that decisive steps are needed to accelerate recovery. He accused the NDC of consistently opposing government initiatives without offering constructive alternatives and acting irresponsibly.

“We all know that we are recovering and as a country, we need to pick up the pace and double our efforts. But the NDC only opposes without seeing the need to be responsible,” he said.

Adomako Kissi drew comparisons with the Ivory Coast, suggesting that Ghana is falling behind due to its irresponsible opposition. “Ivory Coast, among others, is far ahead of Ghana because they have a responsible opposition that cares about government business,” he claimed.

He called on the NDC to fulfill its duty to Ghanaians by acting responsibly to ensure good governance. He also emphasized that both parties in Parliament need to act responsibly to prevent the President from vetoing parliamentary work, which would undermine the Legislature.

Adomako Kissi recounted an incident where he arrived in Parliament at 9:00 am, only to find the opposition absent. Upon inquiry, he learned they were supporting the Minority Leader, Dr. Cassiel Ato Forson, in his court case.

The MP found this worrying, suggesting that the NDC could have delegated a smaller group of MPs to accompany the Minority Leader to court while ensuring parliamentary business continued.

In conclusion, Adomako Kissi reiterated the importance of responsible behavior from both the ruling party and the opposition to foster a healthy democratic environment. He urged the NDC to reconsider their approach and work towards being a constructive and responsible opposition for the benefit of all Ghanaians.

Adomako Kissi’s remarks reflect growing frustration within the NPP regarding the NDC’s approach to governance. His comments highlight the need for constructive opposition to ensure effective governance and democratic stability.

He ended by calling on the NDC to rise to the challenge and contribute positively to Ghana’s development. The MP’s criticism comes at a crucial time as Ghana navigates its path to recovery, emphasizing the need for unity and responsible leadership from all political players.

Source: Ghana Web

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