Home » Ghanaian Professor Makes History: Second Term for KNUST’s First Female Vice Chancellor

Ghanaian Professor Makes History: Second Term for KNUST’s First Female Vice Chancellor

Professor Rita Akosua Dickson Extends Her Tenure at Kwame Nkrumah University

by Victor Adetimilehin

Professor (Mrs) Rita Akosua Dickson has cemented her place in history as the first woman to serve two terms as Vice Chancellor of Ghana’s prestigious Kwame Nkrumah University of Science and Technology (KNUST). The announcement comes just weeks before her initial four-year tenure was set to expire at the end of July 2024.

Reappointment Based on Merit and Evaluation

Professor Dickson’s reappointment is a testament to her leadership and dedication. The University Council established a committee to evaluate her performance during the first term. Following a rigorous assessment, the committee recommended extending Professor Dickson’s tenure, and the University Council subsequently approved their findings. This decision ensures her continued leadership at KNUST until July 31, 2026.

Professor Dickson is a highly respected figure within the Ghanaian academic community. A renowned phytochemist, she has made significant contributions to the field of natural product research. Her commitment to KNUST spans several decades, having served in various capacities throughout her career. Before becoming Vice Chancellor, she held prestigious positions such as Dean of the Faculty of Pharmacy and Pharmaceutical Sciences and Pro-Vice Chancellor.

Professor Dickson’s journey at KNUST began as a student. She earned her Bachelor of Pharmacy degree in 1994, laying the foundation for her successful academic career. Following her national service and internship, she returned to KNUST, this time as a faculty member. Her pursuit of knowledge continued with a Master’s degree in Pharmacognosy, ultimately leading to a lecturer position in 2000.

Professor Dickson’s unwavering commitment to academic excellence fueled her desire for further studies. She secured a prestigious Commonwealth scholarship to pursue a PhD at King’s College London. This experience not only deepened her expertise but also equipped her with valuable research skills. Professor Dickson’s research focuses on the potential of bioactive natural products in treating various diseases, a field with significant implications for global health.

Leading KNUST Towards a Brighter Future

Professor Dickson’s reappointment signifies the university’s unwavering trust in her leadership and vision. While details regarding her accomplishments during the first term haven’t been officially announced, her qualifications and experience strongly suggest a focus on academic excellence, research advancement, and fostering a vibrant and inclusive university community.

As she embarks on her second term, Professor Dickson can expect both opportunities and challenges. Building upon the progress made during her initial tenure will be crucial, while also navigating the ever-changing landscape of higher education in Ghana and across the globe. Her leadership will be instrumental in ensuring KNUST remains a premier institution for academic excellence and innovation in Africa.

Professor Dickson’s second term is likely to be shaped by several key issues. One focus area could be attracting and retaining top academic talent, both domestically and internationally. Strengthening research collaborations with other institutions and securing funding for innovative projects will also be critical. Additionally, Professor Dickson might prioritize initiatives that enhance the student experience, such as improving campus facilities and resources and promoting a diverse and inclusive learning environment.

Source: Graphic Online 

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