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Elections Should Focus on Competence, Not Ethnicity

Rev. Dogbe Urges Merit-Based Voting in Upcoming Ghana Elections

by Adenike Adeodun

Ghana’s upcoming elections should prioritize candidates’ competence and ideas over religion or ethnicity, according to Reverend Dr. Hilliard Dela Dogbe, Chairman of the Christian Council of Ghana. Speaking at the biennial session of the East, West, and Mid-Ghana conferences at the Pentecost Convention Centre in Gomoa, Reverend Dogbe stressed the need for voters to focus on qualifications and visions.

“Reducing elections to religion or ethnicity undermines democracy and leads to divisiveness,” Reverend Dogbe said. He emphasized that such considerations distract from critical issues like economic development, healthcare, education, and infrastructure. By prioritizing competence and ideas, voters can ensure elected leaders are best suited to address these pressing challenges.

Reverend Dogbe also urged political parties to promote candidates committed to public service with clear plans for national progress. “Political parties must present choices that reflect the highest standards of leadership,” he noted. He encouraged parties to engage in policy-driven campaigns, fostering informed decision-making among voters.

In addition to addressing political parties, Reverend Dogbe appealed to religious and community leaders to educate their followers on voting based on merit. “Religious and ethnic affiliations should not influence electoral choices,” he said. Leaders should advocate for focusing on candidates’ capabilities and proposals, contributing to a more inclusive and effective political system.

“Ghana is the only country we have,” Reverend Dogbe said. “We must protect its dignity and peace.” He warned against campaigns based on parochial interests, negative propaganda, and denigrating others to win power. Such practices, he argued, are unhealthy and divisive.

Reverend Dogbe called for decorum in political engagements. “Our political party, ethnic, and religious differences should not divide us,” he said. “Let us be tolerant and recognize our unity in diversity.”

He urged voters to listen for ideas, reflect on candidates’ experience, and discern where to place their vote. “Go out and vote,” he encouraged.

Reverend Dogbe’s remarks come as Ghana prepares for its elections. His call for competence and ideas over religion or ethnicity resonates with many seeking a more mature and progressive political landscape.

The emphasis on competence and policy-driven campaigns is crucial. As Ghana navigates its political future, the focus should remain on leaders’ abilities to address economic and social issues. Reverend Dogbe’s message highlights the importance of informed voting and the need for political maturity.

Ghana’s elections are a pivotal moment. The call for policy-driven campaigns and competent leadership underscores the need for a thoughtful and inclusive approach. By prioritizing competence and ideas, Ghana can ensure a brighter future for all its citizens.

Source: Ghana Web

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