Home » Kennedy Agyapong Faces Scrutiny Over NPP Remarks, Policies

Kennedy Agyapong Faces Scrutiny Over NPP Remarks, Policies

Past Criticisms Challenge Agyapong's Support for Bawumia in 2024

by Adenike Adeodun

Kennedy Agyapong, the Member of Parliament for Assin Central, has formally declared his support for Vice President Dr. Mahamudu Bawumia, the flagbearer of the New Patriotic Party (NPP). This endorsement comes as Bawumia campaigns in the Ashanti Region, adding significant momentum to his bid for the NPP’s presidential nomination. However, Agyapong’s past criticisms of the government and Bawumia’s economic policies are now under the spotlight.

During the NPP presidential primaries, Agyapong was a fierce competitor and vocal critic of the government’s economic performance and corruption. His comments, particularly targeting Bawumia and the broader administration, have raised concerns among party members about their potential impact on the NPP’s chances in the 2024 elections. With his recent support for Bawumia, Agyapong faces the task of addressing these past remarks to bolster the party’s unity and credibility.

Agyapong’s declaration that the NPP lost the 2024 elections back in 2022 is one of the most notable criticisms that have resurfaced. He attributed the loss to significant economic issues, specifically currency depreciation and the Domestic Debt Exchange Programme (DDEP). In an interview with Kumasi-based Kessben FM, Agyapong explicitly blamed Bawumia for these problems, stating, “It was Bawumia who said if the fundamentals are weak, the exchange rate will expose you.”

Agyapong further criticized the government’s economic policies, indicating that while some policies like Free SHS and 1D1F should be maintained, others require a thorough review. He questioned why his funds were not protected from depreciation, asking, “If my money depreciated, am I the only affected businessman?”

Agyapong also directed strong accusations of corruption at the Akufo-Addo administration. He alleged that the government’s corruption was so extensive that it appeared as if there was no concern for the future. He claimed that stolen funds were being hidden abroad, exacerbating the unemployment crisis among the youth. “The way the NPP is looting this country, you would think there is no tomorrow,” Agyapong stated in a video that has circulated widely on social media.

Agyapong has not spared Bawumia’s campaign from criticism either. He attacked the vice president’s economic strategy, particularly the decision to seek assistance from the International Monetary Fund (IMF). Speaking to NPP delegates in the Kintampo East Constituency, Agyapong issued a strong warning to Bawumia’s campaign, promising to retaliate against any personal attacks. “For someone who claims to be a strategist, the dollar was GHC4 when we took power; today, it’s GHC12,” he said.

Agyapong also revealed significant personal financial losses due to the depreciation of the cedi. He claimed to have lost about $12 million between March and August 2022. Agyapong reminded party members of Bawumia’s previous criticism of the Mahama administration for weak economic fundamentals, pointing out that the cedi had depreciated significantly under Bawumia’s watch. “When your fundamentals are weak, the exchange rate will expose you,” Agyapong quoted Bawumia, adding that the exchange rate had worsened from GH¢4.20p to GH¢15.00 to the dollar.

Additionally, Agyapong criticized the government’s decision to ban the importation of used cars. He argued that the policy was poorly conceived and would lead to widespread job losses. “The direct tax we are losing through customs is more than anything in the country. How many jobs are these companies going to create?” he questioned.

Agyapong emphasized the adverse effects of the policy on ordinary Ghanaians. “Just in 2016, I bought 240 used pick-ups for NPP campaigns. Today, you are in power, and you are telling Ghanaians not to buy used cars. What is the purchasing power of every Ghanaian in the country? How many people can afford new cars?” he asked.

As the NPP gears up for the 2024 elections, Agyapong’s past remarks present strategic challenges. His support for Bawumia, despite earlier criticisms, highlights a need for the party to address internal conflicts and unify its message. The NPP must reconcile Agyapong’s criticisms with its current campaign strategy to maintain credibility with voters.

Party members are concerned that opposition parties might use Agyapong’s comments against the NPP. His statements on economic mismanagement and corruption could undermine the party’s efforts to project a unified front. To mitigate these risks, Agyapong may need to clarify his position and explain how the NPP plans to address the issues he previously highlighted.

Agyapong’s endorsement of Bawumia is seen as a significant step towards reconciliation within the party. However, his past criticisms remain a point of contention. Addressing these issues openly could strengthen the NPP’s position and demonstrate a commitment to transparency and accountability.

As the NPP moves forward, it must balance addressing internal criticisms with presenting a cohesive campaign strategy. Agyapong’s role in this process will be crucial. His ability to reconcile past remarks with current support for Bawumia will be a test of his political acumen and the party’s unity.

Kennedy Agyapong’s support for Vice President Dr. Mahamudu Bawumia brings past criticisms into sharp focus. As the NPP prepares for the 2024 elections, addressing these issues will be essential. Agyapong’s remarks on economic performance and corruption pose challenges that the party must navigate carefully. By reconciling internal differences and presenting a unified front, the NPP can strengthen its campaign and enhance its chances of success in the upcoming elections.

Source: Ghana Web

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