Home » Volta Chiefs Endorse Bawumia’s Vision for Ghana’s Progress

Volta Chiefs Endorse Bawumia’s Vision for Ghana’s Progress

Regional Chief Advocates National Unity to Implement Vice President’s Plans

by Adenike Adeodun

The President of the Volta Regional House of Chiefs, Togbe Hodo IV, has endorsed the policy proposals of Vice President Dr. Mahamudu Bawumia, asserting that they hold the key to national advancement. Speaking in Ho, after Dr. Bawumia’s thorough presentation to the chiefs on Thursday, Togbe Hodo IV voiced his support for implementing these progressive ideas across Ghana.

Togbe Hodo IV, who also serves as the Paramount Chief of the Anfoega Traditional Area, stressed the importance of the Vice President’s visit and the insights shared. “We have all witnessed the very progressive and forward-thinking ideas and thoughts that have characterized this visit of His Excellency the Vice President,” he noted.

In his address, Togbe Hodo IV called for national unity in adopting Dr. Bawumia’s strategies, emphasizing that the goal was to propel the entire nation forward, beyond partisan lines. “You and I agree that this country needs to move forward. We need progress; we need economic development. Let us listen carefully and reflect on all the suggestions that the Vice President has made,” he urged.

Highlighting the critical need for advancement, Togbe Hodo IV reminded his audience of Ghana’s long history of independence, which spans over sixty years, yet with little to show in terms of progress. “We have been independent for over sixty years and have little to show for it. Therefore, when progressive ideas are presented, we should set aside partisanship and listen attentively to see how we can advance as a nation with these ideas,” he explained.

The Paramount Chief also spoke of collective responsibility toward future generations, warning that without significant progress, today’s leaders would be judged harshly. “It doesn’t matter who wears the hat. The important thing is that this country is moving forward. Therefore, we should all embrace these positive ideas. I am optimistic that there is hope for this country,” he added.

Concluding his remarks, Togbe Hodo IV expressed a robust optimism for Ghana’s future, prompted by Dr. Bawumia’s initiatives. “Let us all adopt this perception of hope and live it as a dream so that future generations will not point accusing fingers at us when we are gone. If we are not careful, they will exhume our bodies and burn them for our lack of progressiveness,” he stated, extending his best wishes to both Dr. Bawumia and the nation.

Source: Ghana Web

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