Home » KT Hammond Urges Ghanaians to Embrace Local Products

KT Hammond Urges Ghanaians to Embrace Local Products

made-in-Ghana products

by Motoni Olodun

Accra – Ghana’s Minister of Trade and Industry, KT Hammond, has called on citizens to proudly support and purchase made-in-Ghana products. Speaking at a recent trade fair, Hammond emphasized the importance of local goods in boosting the national economy and fostering a sense of pride and self-reliance among Ghanaians.

“Patronizing our own products is not just about economics; it’s about national pride,” said Hammond. “When we buy Ghanaian, we are supporting local businesses, creating jobs, and helping to build a stronger economy.”

Hammond’s appeal comes as part of a broader government initiative to promote local industries and reduce the country’s reliance on imported goods. The minister highlighted several sectors where Ghanaian products have shown significant promise, including textiles, food and beverages, and crafts.

“Ghanaian products are of high quality and are competitive on both local and international markets,” Hammond noted. “Our textiles are known for their vibrant designs and durability, and our food products are fresh and organic.”

The push for local patronage is also aimed at addressing the trade imbalance that has long plagued the Ghanaian economy. By reducing imports and increasing the consumption of locally produced goods, the government hopes to improve the trade deficit and enhance economic stability.

Local entrepreneurs have welcomed the minister’s call, seeing it as an opportunity to expand their businesses and reach new customers. “This is a great encouragement for us,” said Ama Boateng, a local fashion designer. “With more Ghanaians supporting our products, we can grow our businesses and contribute more to the economy.”

However, there are challenges to increasing local consumption, including perceptions about the quality and availability of local products. The government is working to address these issues through various initiatives, such as quality assurance programs and marketing campaigns to raise awareness about the benefits of buying Ghanaian.

“Changing mindsets takes time, but we are committed to making sure that Ghanaian products are recognized for their quality and value,” Hammond stated.

The minister’s message has resonated with many Ghanaians, who see the support of local products as a patriotic duty. As the campaign gains momentum, there is hope that this shift towards local consumption will lead to a more robust and self-sufficient economy.

source: Ghana Web

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