Home » Attorney General’s Meeting With Jakpa Raises Ethical Questions

Attorney General’s Meeting With Jakpa Raises Ethical Questions

Spokesperson Defends Integrity Amid Controversy in High-profile Financial Crimes Case.

by Adenike Adeodun

Wilberforce Mensah, the spokesperson for the Office of the Attorney-General, has defended the conduct of Attorney-General Godfred Yeboah-Dame, asserting that his actions during an unplanned meeting with an accused person in an ongoing high-profile trial were neither unethical nor unprofessional. Mensah made these statements during an appearance on “The Probe” show on Joy News on Sunday, May 26, 2024.

Mensah addressed the controversy surrounding the meeting between the Attorney-General and Richard Jakpa, the third accused in a significant financial crimes trial. He provided five major disclosures about the incident to clarify the situation.

  1. Single Meeting at a Supreme Court Justice’s Residence: Mensah confirmed that the Attorney-General met with Jakpa only once. This meeting took place at the residence of an unnamed Supreme Court Justice. The justice was meeting with Dame on a separate matter when Jakpa, who is a cousin of the justice, arrived unexpectedly.
  2. Circumstances of the Meeting: The meeting occurred without the presence of Jakpa’s legal counsel. Mensah explained that at the time of the meeting, Jakpa did not have a substantive lawyer representing him. The meeting was, therefore, unplanned and circumstantial.
  3. Timing of the Meeting: The encounter took place in April 2024, after the state had concluded its case against the accused. Jakpa, along with Minority Leader Cassiel Ato Forson, was preparing to present their defense as ordered by the Accra High Court.
  4. Discussion of a Plea-Bargaining Deal: According to Mensah, the main subject of the meeting was a plea-bargaining deal that Jakpa was seeking. However, the Attorney-General rejected Jakpa’s proposal on stated grounds, adhering strictly to legal protocols.
  5. Advice Given by the Attorney-General: During the meeting, Dame reportedly confined the discussion to matters already on public record. The only advice he offered Jakpa was to be truthful in court and avoid evasiveness on pertinent issues.

Mensah emphasized that the Attorney-General maintained his integrity throughout the interaction, sticking to public matters and not delving into anything that could be deemed inappropriate or prejudicial.

In a related development, Sammy Gyamfi, National Communications Officer of the National Democratic Congress (NDC), has reiterated the party’s commitment to exposing what they claim to be unethical and unprofessional conduct by Attorney-General Godfred Dame. Gyamfi’s allegations, posted on social media on May 26, 2024, suggest that Dame and his associates are attempting to “preempt and create diversions” to mitigate the impact of forthcoming evidence against him.

Gyamfi accused the Attorney-General’s office of resorting to desperate measures, including spreading “half-truths and complete red-herrings,” to obfuscate the core issues at hand. Despite these efforts, Gyamfi assured that the NDC would proceed with publishing the evidence they have gathered to substantiate their claims of misconduct.

The controversy surrounding the Attorney-General’s meeting with Jakpa has sparked significant debate across Ghana’s political landscape. Supporters of the Attorney-General argue that the meeting was innocent and circumstantial, with no impropriety involved. They emphasize that Dame’s rejection of the plea deal and his advice to Jakpa to be honest in court demonstrate his commitment to justice and ethical standards.

Conversely, critics, particularly from the NDC, maintain that any private meeting between an Attorney-General and an accused person in an ongoing trial raises serious ethical concerns. They argue that such interactions could potentially undermine the fairness of the judicial process and erode public trust in the legal system.

As the situation unfolds, the anticipated release of the NDC’s evidence could prove pivotal. If the evidence substantiates their claims, it could lead to significant political and legal consequences for the Attorney-General. On the other hand, if the evidence fails to meet expectations, it could reinforce the stance of Dame’s supporters and damage the credibility of his accusers.

The unplanned meeting between Attorney-General Godfred Yeboah-Dame and accused Richard Jakpa continues to be a focal point of controversy. While the Attorney-General’s office defends the integrity of the interaction, the opposition remains adamant about exposing what they perceive as misconduct. As both sides prepare to bolster their narratives with evidence and arguments, the outcome of this dispute remains highly anticipated in Ghana’s political and legal spheres.

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