Home » Esther Cobbah Elected President of IPR Ghana

Esther Cobbah Elected President of IPR Ghana

Cobbah to Enhance PR Excellence, Address Misinformation Challenges

With the election of esteemed communications expert and IPR fellow Esther Amba Numaba Cobbah as its new president, the Institute of Public Relations, Ghana (IPR) has made tremendous progress in both leadership and vision. This crucial election was held on May 3, 2024, at the Rock City Hotel in Kwahu, Eastern Region of Ghana, at the Institute’s 30th Annual General Meeting (AGM).

In addition to being a significant event for the selection of new leadership, the Institute’s Annual National Communications Summit, which took place the day before, was concluded with the AGM. Public relations professionals from all around Ghana convened for the conference to talk about important topics facing the sector, like PR Excellence in the Age of Misinformation, Disinformation, and Information Overload.

Other important executives who will shape the Institute’s future were elected during the AGM in addition to Ms. Cobbah. Donald Gwira was chosen as Vice President, Gabriel Nii Otu Ankrah as Treasurer, Abraham Otabil as Deputy Honorary Secretary, and Solace A. M. Akomeah as Honorary Secretary. To their new positions, these people bring a wide range of experiences from the public and commercial sectors.

Ms. Cobbah gave an overview of her goals for the IPR and thanked the members for their faith in her acceptance speech. She stressed how dedicated she is to fostering a professional community in Ghana that not only thrives but also has a big influence on the continent and beyond. “I extend my gratitude to everyone who cast a ballot and selected me to lead this great Institute. I am here to serve. By God’s grace, it will be my privilege to provide a leadership that pays close attention to your needs, your aspirations, and your concerns,” she said.

In addition, Ms. Cobbah emphasized the spiritual aspect of her leadership, thanking God and citing a biblical verse to emphasize her feeling of responsibility and humility: “I want to express my gratitude to God for all of His blessings, which include the privilege of being elected President of IPR, Ghana, today. In the words of the prophet Isaiah, I can say to the Almighty, “We worship your name alone; all that we have accomplished you have done for us.”

There were expressions of confidence during the transfer from Mr. Mawuko Afadzinu, the departing president, regarding the incoming executive team’s capacity to improve the institute’s growth and effect. Afadzinu said, “I have faith in the capabilities of the new executives to continue to build the institute,” indicating a smooth transition and promising future growth for the IPR under its new management.

The summit and AGM gave PR professionals a great forum for networking and conversation, encouraging topics like cutting-edge techniques and PR’s changing role in controlling false and accurate information. The incidents emphasized the vital role that knowledgeable communicators play in the complex knowledge environment of today and the value of effective leadership in organizations such as the IPR.

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