Home » Ghana Probes Priest’s Marriage to Minor, Vows Action

Ghana Probes Priest’s Marriage to Minor, Vows Action

Ghana Probes Priest's Marriage to Minor, Vows Action Sub-Headline: Child Marriage Sparks Outrage, Calls for Strict Enforcement Rise

by Oluwatosin Racheal Alabi

The Chieftaincy Ministry of Ghana has launched a probe into the controversial marriage of a 63-year-old traditional priest from Nungua, Gborbu Wulomo, Nuumo Borketey Laweh XXXIII, to a 12-year-old girl, sparking widespread concern and debate over child marriage practices within the country. The shocking union has drawn attention to the persistent issue of child marriages, prompting government officials and child protection agencies to call for immediate action.

In an exclusive interview with JoyNews, the Chieftaincy Minister, Stephen Amoah Boateng, expressed his department’s commitment to thoroughly investigating the circumstances surrounding the marriage. The focus is particularly on the fact that the bride, identified only as Naa Ayemoede, is well below the age of consent, highlighting the urgent need for intervention to protect her rights and well-being.

“We are taking this matter very seriously,” Minister Boateng stated. “Given that the bride is a minor, it’s imperative that we fully understand the situation on the ground. Our initial steps involve coordinating closely with the traditional authorities and the Police Command in the area to gather all necessary information. Furthermore, efforts are being made to engage directly with the family of the young girl to ascertain their perspective and the details surrounding this arrangement.”

The revelation of this marriage has ignited a firestorm of criticism and concern from various sectors of society, including human rights organizations, child welfare advocates, and the general public. Many are calling for stringent measures to be taken against child marriage, a practice that not only violates the rights of minors but also poses significant risks to their health, education, and overall development.

Ghana has made strides in recent years to combat child marriage, enacting laws and policies aimed at protecting children and ensuring their rights are upheld. However, the persistence of such practices, especially in more traditional communities, underscores the challenges still faced in eradicating this deeply ingrained social issue.

The case of Naa Ayemoede and Nuumo Borketey Laweh XXXIII serves as a stark reminder of the cultural and societal norms that continue to perpetuate child marriage, often at the expense of young girls’ futures. It highlights the critical need for continued advocacy, education, and enforcement of laws designed to protect children from such harmful practices.

As the investigation unfolds, the Chieftaincy Ministry, along with child protection agencies and law enforcement, will be closely scrutinized for their response and the actions taken to address this case. The outcome of this probe could have far-reaching implications for the fight against child marriage in Ghana, potentially setting a precedent for how similar cases are handled in the future.

Minister Boateng’s assurance of a thorough investigation and the government’s involvement in the matter is a positive step towards addressing the root causes of child marriage and ensuring that the rights and welfare of minors are protected. “Our priority is the safety and well-being of the young girl involved,” he emphasized. “We are committed to taking all necessary measures to resolve this issue and prevent similar occurrences in the future.”

This incident has once again shed light on the critical importance of community awareness, education, and the enforcement of laws against child marriage. It underscores the need for a collective effort from government bodies, civil society organizations, communities, and families to safeguard the rights of children and ensure they have the opportunity to lead healthy, fulfilling lives free from coercion and abuse.

As the Chieftaincy Ministry continues its investigation, the eyes of the nation and the international community remain fixed on Ghana, awaiting the outcome and the steps that will be taken to uphold justice and protect the vulnerable. The case of Naa Ayemoede is more than just a legal issue; it is a moral and social challenge that calls for decisive action and enduring solutions to protect the rights and futures of all children.

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