Home » NPP MP Backtracks on Leadership Reshuffle

NPP MP Backtracks on Leadership Reshuffle

Ghana's ruling party faces internal divisions over parliamentary roles

by Victor Adetimilehin

The governing New Patriotic Party (NPP) of Ghana is experiencing some turbulence over the possible reshuffle of its parliamentary leadership, according to a recent report.

Mixed signals

The Member of Parliament for Anyaa Sowutuom, Dr Dickson Adomako Kissi, has expressed the Majority Caucus’s openness to a reshuffle in its leadership, after initially dismissing the idea.

Speaking to Citi News, Dr Kissi said the caucus would welcome any changes after extensive consultations with the party and the government. He also said he was in support of a reshuffle for the past two years, as it would give other people the opportunity to showcase their talents.

However, his remarks contradicted those of the First Deputy Speaker of Parliament and MP for Bekwai, Joseph Osei Owusu, who denied any plans for a reshuffle in the majority leadership.

Mr Osei-Owusu, who also spoke to Citi News, said the caucus was satisfied with the current leadership and had not discussed any changes. He also dismissed the media reports that suggested otherwise as “fake news”.

Speculations and expectations

The media reports that sparked the controversy indicated that Osei Kyei-Mensah-Bonsu, the current Majority Leader and Minister for Parliamentary Affairs, would be replaced by Alexander Afenyo-Markin, the current Deputy Majority Leader.

The reports also suggested that Frank Annoh Dompreh, the present Majority Chief Whip and MP for Nsawam-Adoagyiri, would become the Deputy Majority Leader, while Habib Iddrisu, the current First Deputy Chief Whip, would take over as the Majority Chief Whip.

Additionally, Patricia Appiagyei was named as the First Deputy Majority Chief Whip, and Alex Tetteh Djornobuah, MP for Sefwi-Akontombra, as the Second Deputy Chief Whip.

The reshuffle was expected to take place after President Nana Akufo-Addo’s ministerial reshuffle last week, which saw some changes in his cabinet and regional ministers.

However, the NPP’s National Council, which is the highest decision-making body of the party, has not confirmed or denied the speculations.

Implications and outlook

The NPP, which won the 2020 general elections by a narrow margin, faces a challenging task of governing with a slim majority in parliament. The party has 137 seats, while the opposition National Democratic Congress (NDC) has 136 seats, with one independent MP.

The NPP also has to deal with the economic and social impacts of the COVID-19 pandemic, which has affected the country’s growth and development.

The party, which has been in power since 2017, has a history of illustrious majority leaders from different regions of the country. The choice of the next majority leader could have implications for the party’s unity, performance, and popularity.

As the nation awaits the official announcement of the reshuffle, the NPP has to balance the interests and expectations of its members and supporters, as well as the demands and aspirations of the Ghanaian people.

The party has to demonstrate its commitment to delivering on its promises and fulfilling its mandate, while maintaining its internal cohesion and stability.

Source: Modern Ghana

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