Home » Childhood Cancer Highly Curable with Early Treatment, Experts Say

Childhood Cancer Highly Curable with Early Treatment, Experts Say

Outreach Ministry Donates Medical Supplies to Boost Care at Korle Bu Hospital

by Adenike Adeodun

Contrary to widespread fears, childhood cancer is highly treatable if detected and treated early, medical experts assert. Parents and guardians are thus encouraged to promptly seek medical attention for their children at the first sign of any symptoms related to hormonal deficiencies.

According to a report by Graphic Online, Enyo Asi Bosumprah, a Principal Nursing Officer at Korle Bu Teaching Hospital, emphasized the high survival rate of childhood cancer treatments, stating, “The treatment of cancer in children has a survival rate of about 80 percent, and the right treatment at the right time could save children living with cancer from untimely deaths.” This statement was made during a donation event by Miracle Encounter Outreach Ministries to the Paediatric Oncology Unit of the Department of Child Health at Korle Bu Teaching Hospital in Accra.

Bosumprah highlighted the tragedy of many cases being reported too late for effective intervention, often when the cancer is fully developed. She cited ignorance and lack of awareness as significant factors behind late diagnoses and urged for increased education on the matter.

The hospital saw approximately 489 new patients with cancer last year, a statistic that underscores the urgent need for awareness and early detection efforts. Bosumprah also advised against the common practice of self-medication and the use of herbal treatments due to cost concerns, which can delay the diagnosis and treatment of this potentially curable disease.

The donation by Miracle Encounter Outreach Ministries, valued at GH¢50,000, included vital medical equipment and supplies intended to enhance the treatment and care of childhood cancer at the hospital. Items donated ranged from medical essentials to personal hygiene products, aimed at supporting both the healthcare workers and the children undergoing treatment.

Rev. Nathaniel Osei, Head Pastor of the Outreach, expressed that the donation was aimed at improving the diagnostic, supportive, and curative care available for children with cancer in Ghana. He emphasized the ministry’s commitment to extending support and care to those in need as part of their mission.

Dr Catherine Aduku, a Specialist Paediatrician at the hospital’s Oncology Unit, gratefully accepted the donation. She highlighted the high cost of treating childhood cancer, which is often beyond the financial reach of many families, and called for more support from benevolent organizations to make treatment more accessible to all affected children.

This initiative not only brings hope to many families but also shines a light on the importance of early detection and treatment of childhood cancer, offering a path to a cure and a chance for children to lead normal, healthy lives.

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