Home » Mahama’s Historic Meeting with Artisans in Lower Manya Krobo

Mahama’s Historic Meeting with Artisans in Lower Manya Krobo

John Mahama will meet with artisans in Lower Manya Krobo on Tuesday, January 30th, to listen to their concerns and share his vision for Ghana

by Victor Adetimilehin

Former President John Dramani Mahama, the flagbearer of the National Democratic Congress (NDC) for the 2024 elections, will meet with artisans in the Lower Manya Krobo Constituency on Tuesday, January 30th. This is part of his nationwide tour to connect with the grassroots and listen to their concerns.

The meeting, which will take place at Saint Martin’s Parish Hall in Agormanya in the Eastern Region, will bring together artisans from various fields, such as dressmakers, bead producers, barbers, and drivers. They will have the chance to interact with the former president and share their challenges and aspirations.

Mr. Felix Amanor, the Lower Manya NDC constituency secretary, told the Ghana News Agency that the purpose of the visit was to engage the artisans and understand their needs. He said Mr. Mahama would also brainstorm with them on how to improve their quality of life and support their businesses.

He praised the former president for choosing to personally engage with the craftsmen and women at the grassroots level, rather than relying on intermediaries or surveys. Mr. Felix Amanor said this showed Mr. Mahama’s deep commitment to empowering the local artisan community and recognizing their valuable contributions to the economy.

Artisans Eager to Welcome Mahama

The artisans in the Krobo area expressed their excitement and anticipation for the meeting with Mr. Mahama. They said they hoped to hear his plans and policies for their sector and the country at large.

Mr. Jonathan Akwetey, a motorist, said he expected the former president to address the issue of the 11-kilometer Somanya-Kpong road, which he said was in a deplorable state and posed a risk to commercial activities and public transportation. He also appealed for reduced fuel, petrol, and electricity prices, as well as other tax relief measures, to support their livelihoods.

Ms. Teiko Tetteh, a bead trader, said she hoped that Mr. Mahama could help promote African beads in the Western world, as they were a symbol of the rich culture and heritage of Kroboland in Ghana. She said this would not only boost their sales, but also attract more tourists to the area, thus enhancing Ghana’s development.

Furthermore, Mr. Joshua Tetteh, a cement seller, said he wished that Mr. Mahama would initiate the construction of a cement factory in the Krobo areas, to make cement products more affordable and accessible to the people. He said this would also create more jobs for the youth, who were mostly unemployed.

Mahama’s vision for Ghana

Mr. Mahama, who served as Ghana’s president from 2012 to 2017, is seeking a second term in office after losing the 2020 elections to the incumbent, Nana Akufo-Addo. He has promised to deliver a more inclusive and prosperous Ghana, with a focus on creating jobs, expanding social services, fighting corruption, and strengthening democracy.

In addition, he pledged to revive and complete the projects he started in his first term, like roads, schools, hospitals, and factories. Mr. Mahama claimed the current administration abandoned or neglected them.

Mr. Mahama vowed to restore peace and stability in the country, saying that the violence and irregularities in the 2020 elections threatened it. He has called for a dialogue with all stakeholders to reform the electoral system and ensure free and fair elections in the future.

As he prepares to visit Lower Manya Krobo, the people expect to welcome Mr. Mahama warmly, eager to hear his message of hope and change.

Source: Modern Ghana

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