Home » Economist to Run for President as Independent in Ghana 

Economist to Run for President as Independent in Ghana 

Rev Dr Worlanyo Mensah promises to build a united and prosperous nation

by Victor Adetimilehin

Ghana is gearing up for the 2024 general election, and a new contender has emerged on the political scene. Rev Dr Worlanyo Mensah, an economist and pastor, will announce his bid for the presidency as an independent candidate on Thursday, January 25.

A vision for change

Rev Dr. Worlanyo Mensah, who is a lecturer at Wisconsin University in Accra, said he decided to run for president because he was dissatisfied with the performance of the two major parties, the New Patriotic Party (NPP) and the National Democratic Congress (NDC), that have dominated Ghanaian politics since the return to democracy in 1992.

“I believe Ghana needs a change of direction and leadership. We need an all-inclusive government that will harness the potential of our human and natural resources to make Ghana a prosperous and peaceful nation,” he told the Ghana News Agency (GNA).

He said his vision was to embark on a massive industrialization program, champion a blue economy for sustainable job creation, build a resilient petrochemical and digital infrastructure for economic growth, and promote accountability and discipline in public service.

He also said he would foster national unity and cohesion by bridging the sharp political divisions that have often led to violence and mistrust among Ghanaians.

A man of many hats

Rev Dr Worlanyo Mensah is not a typical politician, he is a man of many hats, who has excelled in various fields of endeavor. He is an economist, a pastor, a scholar, a philanthropist, and a social activist.

He holds a Ph.D. in Economics from the University of Ghana, a Master of Divinity from the Trinity Theological Seminary, and a Bachelor of Arts in Economics and Sociology from the University of Cape Coast.

Rev Dr Worlanyo Mensah is the head pastor of Christ Whitehouse Chapel International, a charismatic church with branches in Ghana and abroad. He is also the founder and president of the Worlanyo Foundation, a non-governmental organization that supports education, health, and community development projects in rural areas.

Rev Dr Worlanyo Mensah has authored several books and articles on economics, theology, and social issues, and has received numerous awards and honors for his academic and professional achievements. He is married with children and lives in Accra.

A challenge ahead

Rev Dr Worlanyo Mensah faces a formidable challenge in his quest to become the next president of Ghana. He will have to compete with the candidates of the NPP and the NDC, who have the advantage of incumbency, popularity, and resources.

He will also have to overcome the skepticism and apathy of some voters, who may doubt his credibility and viability as an independent candidate.

Rev Dr. Worlanyo Mensah added that he was counting on the support of the youth, the women, the professionals, the religious groups, and the civil society organizations, who he believes are yearning for a new leadership that will deliver on the promises of democracy and development.

He said he will officially launch his campaign and unveil his manifesto at the University for Development Studies (UDS) Guest House in Accra at 10 am on Thursday, January 25. He invited all Ghanaians who share his vision to join him in his bid to make history and transform Ghana.

Source: Modern Ghana

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