Home » Electoral Commission’s Silence Hampers Cheddar’s Political Party Dream

Electoral Commission’s Silence Hampers Cheddar’s Political Party Dream

by Ikeoluwa Juliana Ogungbangbe

In a bid to pursue his presidential ambitions, independent presidential aspirant Nana Kwame Bediako, also known as “Cheddar,” has expressed frustration over the Electoral Commission’s delayed response to his political party application. Despite fulfilling all constitutional requirements, Bediako’s plans have hit a roadblock, as he has yet to hear from the EC three months after filing his application.

The 1992 constitution, Act 574 (8)(2), clearly stipulates that “The commission shall, not later than seven days after the receipt of the application, issue to the political party a provisional certificate of registration and shall cause a notice of the application to be published in the Gazette after receipt, inviting objections from any person, concerning the name, aim, objects, constitution, rules, symbols, slogans, and colours of the party.”

Bediako emphasized that his team had diligently prepared the groundwork for his political party, including developing a manifesto, establishing a constitution, and building 16 regional offices. Despite their meticulous preparations and adherence to the constitutional requirements, the Electoral Commission has failed to respond to their application.

“We do have a manifesto. We have a constitution, and we have built 16 offices in the 16 regions. We’ve read the constitution and we’ve followed what we had to do, put in the application for a political party, but we were not responded to by the EC,” Bediako lamented.

He further revealed that after the initial seven-day period, they wrote a follow-up letter to the Electoral Commission, yet there has been no response from the authorities. However, Nana Kwame Bediako remains optimistic that the EC will eventually respond to his application and grant the necessary approval.

“While I await confirmation from the EC, I am going to proceed with my presidential ambition as an independent candidate, focusing on the critical issues needed to develop Ghana,” he asserted.

Bediako concluded by expressing his hope that the Electoral Commission would soon respond and issue the provisional license, allowing them to use the party’s logos, mottos, and slogans. Despite the hurdles, his commitment to the “New Force Movement” remains unwavering, and he is determined to continue working towards his vision for Ghana.

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