Home » Asantewaa World Record Bid Awaits Submission for Guinness Verification

Asantewaa World Record Bid Awaits Submission for Guinness Verification

Ghanaian Singer's Team Finalizing Evidence for Longest Singing Record Attempt

by Adenike Adeodun

Afua Asantewaa Owusu Aduounum, the Ghanaian singer who recently embarked on a quest to set a new Guinness World Record for the longest continuous singing by an individual, is currently finalizing the necessary steps for official recognition. Her team has yet to submit the documentation of her attempt to the Guinness World Records for verification.

Asantewaa’s challenge, which began on December 24 and concluded on December 29, saw her sing for an extraordinary duration of 126 hours and 53 minutes. If recognized, this feat would surpass the existing record of 105 hours set by Sunil Waghmare of India in 2012.

According to a report by Ghana Web, the submission process involves collating evidence and documentation by judges and a technical team who monitor the attempt. This data will be meticulously reviewed and sent to the Guinness World Records for the official verification process.

Asantewaa shared insights into the preparation for the record attempt during her visit to Potter’s City, led by Prophet Nanasei Opoku-Sarkodie, where she and her husband were warmly welcomed. The event was also attended by members of her production team, ASKOF Productions.

Prophet Opoku-Sarkodie expressed his admiration for Asantewaa’s confidence and perseverance, using her story as an inspiration in his teachings. After offering prayers and prophetic declarations, he emphasized the significance of Asantewaa’s attempt to inspire others.

Asantewaa’s record bid is not just a showcase of her vocal endurance but also an emblem of human determination and passion. The submission to the Guinness Book of World Records marks a critical phase in her journey, potentially placing her in the annals of record-breaking achievements.

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