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Cantonments at Risk of Becoming a Slum, Warns Architect

Arc Laud Affotey urges the government and the construction industry to adopt eco-friendly options that would protect the environment and preserve the community.

by Motoni Olodun

A prominent architect has warned that one of the most affluent suburbs of Accra, Ghana’s capital, could turn into a slum in the next decade if the current construction trends continue. Arc Laud Affotey, the principal architect at Design Protocol, spoke at a sustainable construction development symposium on Friday and expressed his concern about the ongoing transformation of Cantonments, which was originally designed as a low-density residential area with spacious bungalows and lush greenery.

According to Affotey, the influx of foreign private developers has led to a shift in the area’s landscape, as they buy large plots of land and build multi-occupant facilities that increase the population density and traffic congestion. He also said that the area has lost its sense of community and security, as residents lack recreational spaces and face the threat of robbery, which was previously unheard of in Cantonments.

Affotey attributed the situation to the lack of political commitment, legislation, professional knowledge and technological difficulties that hinder the implementation of sustainable construction practices in Ghana. He urged the government and the construction industry to adopt eco-friendly options that would protect the environment and preserve the community for the next generation. He cited examples of sustainable construction practices, such as reusing materials, reducing imports, and reviving the timber industry.

Affotey’s warning comes at a time when Ghana is facing a housing deficit of about two million units, according to the Ministry of Works and Housing. The government has launched several initiatives to address the housing challenge, such as the National Housing and Mortgage Fund, the Affordable Housing Programme, and the Ghana Building Code. However, these initiatives have faced various challenges, such as funding constraints, land disputes, and quality issues.

The government has also expressed its commitment to achieving the Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs), which include ensuring access to adequate, safe and affordable housing for all by 2030. Ghana is one of the signatories of the African Continental Free Trade Area (AfCFTA), which aims to boost intra-African trade and industrialisation. The AfCFTA is expected to create opportunities for the construction industry to participate in the development of new mega-cities across the continent.

Affotey called on his colleagues in the construction industry to seize these opportunities and take a leading role in promoting sustainable construction in Ghana and beyond. He said that being sustainable does not mean not building, but rather building in a way that balances the economic, social and environmental aspects of development.

Source: MyJoyOnline

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