Home »  Notorious Land Guard Arrested in Ghana After Assaulting Worker

 Notorious Land Guard Arrested in Ghana After Assaulting Worker

by Victor Adetimilehin

The Ghana Police Service has detained Captain Abu, a self-described National Security Operative, for his involvement in land guard duties in the Accra suburb of Borteyman. Criminal organizations known as “land guards” use force to evict or defend property from its legitimate owners. The media story claims that Captain Abu and his allies attacked an employee on a designated security zone, prompting the security agencies to act quickly. According to the report, Captain Abu has been generating fear and panic, breaking community harmony, and frightening the residents of Borteyman for a long time. He has also committed robberies.

In Ghana, land guard operations have become a major security risk, particularly in the Greater Accra area where land is precious and in short supply. Weaknesses in Ghana’s land system include disputes between statutory and customary regulations, numerous sales, and corruption. These elements provide land guards the chance to take advantage of and threaten developers and landowners. With varying degrees of success, the government and civic society have been attempting to address the issue of land guard activities. Reforming the land administration system, upholding court rulings, and tearing down illegal buildings are a few of the actions done. However, a lack of political will, a lack of funding, and meddling from powerful interests frequently undermine these initiatives.

It is encouraging that Captain Abu and his cronies have been apprehended because it demonstrates the security services’ resolve to suppress land guard operations and reestablish law and order in the land sector. This is intended to discourage other land guards and promote amicable and legal settlement of land disputes in Ghana.

Source: Graphic Online

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