Home » PPP Members in Bono Region Join NDC

PPP Members in Bono Region Join NDC

by Oluwatosin Racheal Alabi

A significant political shift has occurred. More than 900 Progressive People’s Party (PPP) members have now joined the National Democratic Congress (NDC). This change, reported by Accra-based UTV, took place in a striking ceremony in Sunyani on October 18, 2023.

Prominent PPP figures and NDC National Chairman Johnson Asiedu Nketiah attended the event. A key PPP member cited failing sectors under the current New Patriotic Party (NPP) as the defection’s catalyst. “With education, health, and the economy declining, we need new leadership. The NDC, not the PPP, can provide that,” he stressed.

Nketiah called for solidarity to unseat the NPP. “Kwame Nkrumah envisaged a united Ghana. Current divisions betray that vision,” he noted. Furthermore, he insisted progressive forces must unite for change.

Additionally, Nketiah addressed PPP defectors directly. He tasked them with convincing their founder, Paa Kwesi Nduom, to also switch sides. “Tell Nduom that joining the NDC will benefit him. We can help restore his businesses,” Nketiah affirmed.

This exodus from the PPP to the NDC is telling. It signals a growing discontent with the ruling party. Moreover, it underscores the craving for a return to effective governance, which many believe the NDC promises.

The defection has set the stage for new political strategies. As such, it demands a keen watch on the evolving tactics of both the NDC and the incumbent party. With dissatisfaction mounting, the call for change is clear.

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