Home » UTV Host Agya Kwabena Condemns Attack by NPP-Affiliated Hooligans

UTV Host Agya Kwabena Condemns Attack by NPP-Affiliated Hooligans

by Oluwatosin Racheal Alabi

Agya Kwabena, a prominent host on UTV’s talk show Adekye Nsroma, has added his voice to the growing number of Despite Media employees decrying a recent attack on their station. The culprits? Hooligans with ties to the ruling New Patriotic Party (NPP).

On his October 12, 2023, show, Kwabena specifically called out Ernest Owusu-Bempah, a noted NPP member. Owusu-Bempah previously branded UTV’s United Showbiz programme as “useless”. He criticized the show for its perceived political bias, alleging that it allowed guests to openly disparage the government and its officials.

For Kwabena, Owusu-Bempah’s attack stings particularly sharp. He recalled a 2016 incident where UTV staff protected Owusu-Bempah from the National Intelligence Bureau (NIB) operatives after he made some controversial comments.

Kwabena stated, “On this very station, when NIB was after him, we hid him in our office for three hours during an evening show. He left his car here for five days. We protected him and even helped him sneak out late at night. He was so scared he accidentally took our set of keys.”

Another colleague hinted that perhaps UTV should have handed Owusu-Bempah to the authorities back then. Kwabena responded, “We protected our guest. Now, the same man insults us. It’s sad, but let’s see where this leads.”

The United Showbiz programme itself faced scrutiny after the NPP petitioned UTV for reforms. This escalated when a panelist, A Plus, dramatically tore up a copy of the NPP’s letter on live TV. This act partly triggered the attack, resulting in the arrest of 16 individuals, all of whom have since secured bail.

SEO Tags: UTV, Agya Kwabena, Adekye Nsroma, Despite Media, NPP, Ernest Owusu-Bempah, United Showbiz, National Intelligence Bureau, A Plus.

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