Home » Yaa Konamah Denies UTV Received NPP’s Letter Concerning “United Showbiz” Show

Yaa Konamah Denies UTV Received NPP’s Letter Concerning “United Showbiz” Show

by Oluwatosin Racheal Alabi

Yaa Konamah, anchor of UTV’s morning show “Adekye Nsroma,” denies allegations that UTV received a formal letter from the New Patriotic Party (NPP) concerning the alleged political bias of the prime-time entertainment show, “United Showbiz.”

The issue arose when a group, believed to have NPP affiliations, interrupted a “United Showbiz” live broadcast. They protested the perceived political slant of the show, alleging that their letter addressing these concerns had been destroyed by one of the commentators, A Plus.

Although the NPP issued an apology, they asserted that they had indeed communicated their worries to UTV.

Refuting these claims, a passionate Konamah said, “The said letter? They circulated it. Our management has said nothing about it. But they spread the word about the letter without delivering it to the General Manager they intended it for. Call Kennedy Osei Asante. Ask him if he ever saw that letter. He didn’t.”

She added, “To set the record straight, NPP leaders apologized in person. Publicly, they criticized us and then sought reconciliation. But they never handed that letter over to the General Manager of Despite Media and UTV. And the claims that we handed the letter to A Plus? They’re unfounded.”

Regarding the action of tearing the letter, Konamah commented, “Perhaps Miss Gee didn’t tell A Plus it was confidential. Yet, that letter was public knowledge. What law did A Plus break by tearing up someone’s letter?” She went on to say, “Morally, it might lack respect, but it wasn’t defamatory. What legal error did A Plus make? We need some room; the pressure feels overwhelming.”

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