Home » Former President Mahama Vows to Combat Corruption with Impartiality

Former President Mahama Vows to Combat Corruption with Impartiality

Mahama Promises Impartial Approach to Governance if Re-Elected

Former President John Mahama has articulated a robust stance on corruption, pledging to pursue allegations with unwavering impartiality should he return to office. This declaration underscores a pivotal shift from his previous approach and reflects a response to the growing demands for accountability from the citizens of Ghana.

Speaking at a press conference on Sunday, Mahama emphasized his commitment to a rigorous governance model that would not spare even his own appointees. His comments come at a time when public scrutiny over governmental integrity is intensifying, fueled by widespread concerns over corruption and its impact on national development.

“I can assure you, if you believe that I was imbued with the ‘father-for-all’ syndrome, it’s been exorcised. And it’s been exorcised because it is a demand by the people of Ghana,” Mahama stated, signaling a departure from past leniencies. This change, he notes, is driven by a public outcry for transparency and the enforcement of accountability at all levels of government.

During the interaction with journalists, Mahama highlighted past actions taken during his administration to combat corruption, particularly referencing the recovery of funds from state agencies. He cited the controversial Ghana Youth Employment and Entrepreneurial Development Agency (GYEEDA) report as a testament to his commitment to fighting corruption. The GYEEDA scandal, which involved significant governmental mismanagement, led to legal actions including the prosecution and subsequent imprisonment of his colleague and friend, Abuga Pele.

“Some of the people involved [in the GYEEDA case] went to court to restrain the Attorney General, and the court processes took forever. There were others where there was the prosecution of my own colleague and friend, Abuga Pele. The Attorney General put him before courts, and he was jailed. It was recently that President Akufo-Addo granted him amnesty,” Mahama recounted, stressing the legal efforts made under his watch to address corrupt practices.

Mahama did not shy away from criticizing the current administration under President Akufo-Addo, accusing it of harboring an unprecedented level of corruption. He expressed dissatisfaction with the current governance model, which he believes falls far short of an acceptable standard for leading the nation.

“What we have now, obviously never and should never be a yardstick for governance. My goal is to launch a renewed fight against corruption,” Mahama declared, aiming to set a markedly higher benchmark for governmental conduct. This renewed commitment from Mahama comes at a crucial time as Ghana grapples with the dual challenges of political accountability and the effective management of public resources. His promises of reform and heightened scrutiny reflect not only his personal evolution in political strategy but also an alignment with the broader societal demand for an incorruptible government.

The implications of Mahama’s statements are profound, potentially setting the stage for a significant shift in Ghana’s political landscape. His vow to eschew the ‘father-for-all’ approach in favor of stringent oversight suggests a readiness to redefine his leadership style, prioritizing integrity and accountability over political loyalty or personal relationships.

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