Home » NPP Group Defends Bawumia’s Running Mate Choice Amid Criticism

NPP Group Defends Bawumia’s Running Mate Choice Amid Criticism

Party Unity Tested as Ashanti NPP Defends Dr. Prempeh Amid Criticism

by Motoni Olodun

In Ghana, the New Patriotic Party (NPP) is witnessing internal strife as a faction from the Ashanti Region launches a fierce defense of Dr. Mahamudu Bawumia’s choice for running mate in the upcoming general elections. The group has targeted former Member of Parliament (MP) for Asante Akim North, Kwadwo Baah Agyemang, for his critical comments about Dr. Matthew Opoku Prempeh, also known as Napo, the current Minister of Energy.

The Ashanti NPP group has accused Baah Agyemang of attempting to undermine the party’s unity by publicly questioning the competence and suitability of Dr. Prempeh as Bawumia’s running mate. According to the group, such comments are detrimental to the party’s cohesion and electoral prospects.

Spokesperson for the group, Kwame Addo, expressed their disapproval in a press conference. “We find Kwadwo Baah Agyemang’s remarks unfortunate and misguided. His attempt to discredit Dr. Prempeh is not only baseless but also harmful to our party’s image and unity,” Addo stated. He emphasized that the Ashanti Region remains solidly behind Dr. Bawumia and his choice of running mate.

The controversy began when Baah Agyemang openly criticized Dr. Prempeh’s record in government, suggesting that his tenure as Minister of Education and current role in the energy sector had not been impressive. These comments sparked a backlash from Dr. Prempeh’s supporters within the NPP, particularly in the Ashanti Region, a stronghold for the party.

Dr. Bawumia, currently serving as Vice President, is expected to be the NPP’s flagbearer in the 2024 elections. His selection of a running mate is seen as a critical decision that could influence the party’s chances of retaining power. Dr. Prempeh, a prominent figure in the party with significant influence in the Ashanti Region, is considered a strategic choice to galvanize support.

The Ashanti NPP group insists that Dr. Prempeh’s contributions to the party and the government have been substantial. They highlight his achievements in the education sector, where he oversaw the implementation of the Free Senior High School policy, as well as his efforts in stabilizing the energy sector. “Dr. Prempeh has proven himself as a capable and dedicated leader. His track record speaks for itself, and we believe he will make an excellent running mate,” Addo added.

Party insiders suggest that the internal disagreements could affect the NPP’s campaign if not resolved swiftly. Political analyst Dr. Kwesi Amakye Boateng noted, “Intra-party conflicts, if left unchecked, can have serious repercussions on electoral performance. The NPP needs to manage these disputes carefully to maintain a united front going into the elections.”

In response to the controversy, Dr. Bawumia has called for unity and urged party members to refrain from public disputes. “We must remember that our primary goal is to serve the people of Ghana. Let us focus on what unites us and work together to achieve victory in the upcoming elections,” Bawumia stated.

Supporters of Dr. Prempeh have also called for calm and urged all party members to rally behind the leadership. They argue that internal unity is crucial for the NPP to effectively counter the opposition and address the nation’s pressing challenges.

The upcoming general elections in Ghana are expected to be highly competitive, with the NPP facing stiff competition from the opposition National Democratic Congress (NDC). As the campaign heats up, the party’s ability to present a cohesive and united front will be key to its success.

Despite the current tensions, there is hope that the NPP can overcome these internal challenges and focus on its campaign strategies. With strong leadership and a clear vision for the future, the party aims to secure another term in office and continue its developmental agenda.

Source: ghanaweb.com

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