Home » Appiah-Kubi Questions Suitability of Opoku Prempeh as Bawumia’s Running Mate

Appiah-Kubi Questions Suitability of Opoku Prempeh as Bawumia’s Running Mate

Doubts Cast on Energy Minister's Candidacy as Bawumia's Running Mate

by Ikeoluwa Juliana Ogungbangbe

Dr. Matthew Opoku Prempeh was chosen to be Vice President Dr. Mahamudu Bawumia’s running mate in the upcoming general elections of 2024, which is a notable development in Ghanaian politics according to Andy Appiah-Kubi, a member of the National Council of the ruling New Patriotic Party (NPP). In the run-up to an important election, this discovery throws light on possible divisions inside the party.

As the NPP’s front-runner in the upcoming election, Dr. Bawumia has proposed Dr. Opoku Prempeh, the minister of energy at the moment, to be the vice president. The choice was given by Dr. Bawumia to President Nana Akufo-Addo during a crucial meeting held at the government seat, Jubilee House. Apparently, the President, after offering some advice and sharing his thoughts, ultimately endorsed Dr. Bawumia’s selection.

Still, dissension within the party ranks has not decreased despite the endorsement. Asante Akim North representative Appiah-Kubi has openly questioned the ruling, claiming that Dr. Opoku Prempeh does not have widespread support inside the party, especially among MPs. He argues that the Energy Minister lacks appeal enough to campaign successfully in a wide range of constituencies, which could be harmful to the party’s overall electoral plan.

In addition to being a personal criticism, Appiah-Kubi’s criticism reveals a more serious worry about the candidate’s capacity to engage voters and local party officials. “If it were my decision, I would not pick him. Appiah-Kubi made it clear that “he is not my preference,” highlighting the gap between some party members’ wishes and the choices taken at the top echelons of the party leadership.

The MP is concerned about more than just personal taste. He highlights the necessity of having a running partner who is seen as a strong campaigner and unifier who can actively interact with and assist MPs on the campaign trail. He feels that Dr. Opoku Prempeh lacks the ability to “hold the hand of a Member of Parliament and campaign in that member’s constituency,” which is what makes someone like him the appropriate choice.

The NPP is trying to showcase a unified face and solidify its accomplishments in front of a much awaited election, which coincides with this internal dispute. Selecting a running mate has a significant impact on the party’s future leadership hopes in addition to campaign dynamics.

The controversy surrounding the vice-presidential selection is showing how difficult it may be for political parties to strike a balance between internal dynamics and the needs of national electoral politics. The NPP’s ability to remain cohesive and united within the party could be crucial to its electoral success as it gets ready to defend its record in office.

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