Home » Bawumia Presents Opoku Prempeh as His Running Mate to Akufo-Addo

Bawumia Presents Opoku Prempeh as His Running Mate to Akufo-Addo

Bawumia Presents Running Mate Choice to President Akufo-Addo

by Ikeoluwa Juliana Ogungbangbe

In the run-up to the December 7 presidential election, Vice President Dr. Mahamudu Bawumia, the leader of Ghana’s ruling New Patriotic Party (NPP), has chosen Dr. Matthew Opoku Prempeh to be his running mate. After conferring with President Akufo-Addo at the Jubilee House, where the Vice President formally presented his option, this significant decision was made.

Last night’s gathering was more than just a formality; President Akufo-Addo shared his wisdom and counsel during a strategic discussion. In spite of this, he eventually backed the choice of Vice President Bawumia, indicating a united front among the party’s leaders. Dr. Matthew Opoku Prempeh, also widely known as NAPO, is a seasoned politician and medical doctor, educated at the Kwame Nkrumah University of Science and Technology. His political career is notable, having been first elected to Parliament in 2008 and successfully re-elected in subsequent elections through 2020. Dr. Opoku Prempeh has held significant ministerial roles, including as Education Minister and currently as Energy Minister, showcasing his versatility and leadership in key government sectors.

This choice appears to align with the preferences of the NPP’s grassroots supporters, as indicated by a survey conducted by the National Intelligence Bureau (NIB) on June 15, 2024. The survey revealed that Dr. Opoku Prempeh was the top choice among party delegates, securing 76.2% of the responses, a clear preference over other potential candidates. This strong support from the base could be a critical factor in Vice President Bawumia’s decision, reflecting a strategic alignment with the party’s core supporters.

The survey, which involved 5,116 NPP delegates, including national, regional, constituency, and polling station executives, underscores the extensive backing Dr. Opoku Prempeh enjoys within the party. Following him in the survey was Dr. Yaw Osei Adutwum, Minister of Education and MP for Bosomtwe, who garnered 10.16% of the vote, indicating a significant gap in preference.

The choice of Dr. Opoku Prempeh reflects Vice President Bawumia’s goal of stability and continuity in the party’s leadership as they approach an important election, in addition to demonstrating his individual talents and political expertise. By giving the NPP a strong platform to engage people and address the country’s critical challenges, this calculated move is predicted to strengthen the party’s campaign. Vice President Bawumia is expected to formally offer his choice to the NPP council in the upcoming days. An official statement will be made upon approval, laying the groundwork for the NPP’s election campaign strategy in the months preceding the national election.

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