Home » No More Free Fuel and Utility Bill Payments for Government Officials, Says Mahama

No More Free Fuel and Utility Bill Payments for Government Officials, Says Mahama

Ex-President Advocates Fiscal Responsibility, Digital Payments by 2028

John Dramani Mahama, the 2024 flagbearer of the National Democratic Congress (NDC) in Ghana, highlighted a change in strategy that would limit the use of fuel given by the state to cars only utilized for official government functions. Mahama said, “As conditions of service for top government officials, directors, and the political elite, we shall suspend the payment of utility bills, petrol, and DSTV.” He reaffirmed his position on encouraging equality and accountability by arguing that public servants ought to be responsible for paying their own utility bills, such as those for water and electricity, just like any other citizen.

Mahama said, “If you are using your own automobile, you should buy your own petrol unless you are using a government vehicle on a government assignment.” With this strategy, government spending will be cut and allocated to more important areas that can support development and economic progress.

Mahama elaborated on his proposal for a fairer government system and included the removal of these benefits in a larger plan to tighten budgetary controls and guarantee that public funding is allocated to projects that benefit the general populace. He indicated a change toward investing in the backbone of the American economy by saying that the savings from these cuts will be used to assist small businesses and offer tax incentives to promote job growth.

Mahama announced a big move towards improving Ghana’s payment networks in addition to these domestic policy measures. By 2028, he outlined a strategy to replace cash payments with electronic ones, such as Mobile Money, for both governmental and private sector transactions. This action seeks to increase effectiveness, decrease corruption, and foster a more digital economy.

By 2028, Mahama said, “We intend to phase out cash as a mode of payment for all transactions.” He went on to say that this will include routine business dealings in sectors like healthcare, where services would be paid for electronically. You would therefore need to utilize your mobile money to make payments at the hospital and other locations. Only electric forms of payments.”

Mahama’s larger campaign strategy includes these suggested adjustments in an effort to show himself as a leader dedicated to streamlining and enhancing the effectiveness of government functions. Mahama hopes to establish a model for accountability and equity in public service by doing away with some benefits for government employees. This is in line with broader popular attitudes that frequently criticize the disparity between the privileges enjoyed by public servants and the general populace.

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