Home » NDC Questions EC’s Ability to Ensure Secure Elections

NDC Questions EC’s Ability to Ensure Secure Elections

Concerns Raised Over Electoral Material Theft and Security Measures

by Ikeoluwa Juliana Ogungbangbe

The National Democratic Congress (NDC) has raised concerns about the Electoral Commission’s (EC) capacity to organize transparent and secure elections following the theft of critical electoral materials. Fifi Fiavi Kwetey, the General Secretary of the NDC, questioned the EC’s ability to safeguard electoral equipment and prevent hacking attempts, emphasizing the importance of maintaining physical security measures to uphold the integrity of the electoral process.

Speaking at the ‘Moment of Truth’ series on April 15, Kwetey criticized the EC’s failure to secure essential security procedures, highlighting the theft of Biometric Voter Registration (BVR) laptops as a significant breach of electoral integrity. He emphasized that the stolen laptops not only represented a financial loss to the state but also exposed profound vulnerabilities in the electoral system, raising doubts about the EC’s ability to ensure free and fair elections.

Kwetey’s remarks came in response to Dr. Serebour Quaicoe, Director of Electoral Services at the EC, who downplayed the significance of the missing equipment by stating that most of it had undergone the end-of-life process, erasing all data, and minimizing concerns about financial losses. The NDC criticized the EC’s dismissal of the theft, arguing that it demonstrated a dangerous disregard for the broader implications on electoral integrity.

The party questioned how critical electoral equipment, under constant CCTV surveillance and entrusted to the EC for free and fair elections, could be compromised due to negligence. The NDC’s concerns highlight growing apprehensions about the EC’s ability to maintain the security and integrity of the electoral process, particularly in light of recent security breaches and thefts of essential equipment.

The theft of BVR laptops raises questions about the effectiveness of existing security measures and underscores the need for comprehensive reforms to strengthen electoral security protocols. As preparations for upcoming elections continue, stakeholders, including political parties and civil society organizations, are calling for greater transparency, accountability, and vigilance to safeguard the sanctity of the electoral process and uphold democratic principles.

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