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Bawku Naba Urges Peaceful Elections in Ghana

Traditional leader warns youth against violence and intimidation in 2024 polls

by Victor Adetimilehin

As Ghana prepares for its general elections in 2024, a prominent traditional leader has called for peace and tolerance among the voters. Zug-ran Naba Asigri Abugrago Azoka II, the overlord of the Kusaug Traditional Area, cautioned the youth in his region to refrain from threatening or harassing political parties and candidates.

Respect for democracy

The Bawku Naba made his remarks at the 22nd annual Danjuar Festival of the Bimoba People at Kpikpira in the Tempane District on Saturday. The festival, held under the theme “Uniting Mouk to Foster Peace and Development; the Role of Stakeholders”, brought together chiefs, elders, politicians, and other stakeholders from across Africa.

The traditional leader stressed the need for an equal opportunity for all political parties and actors to campaign freely and peacefully. He said that everyone has the right to join or support any party of their choice, and that no one should intimidate or prevent others from expressing their views.

“Mr Chairman, it is important for me to admonish all the youth to desist from threatening each other as far as political activities in the 2024 elections are concerned. All are free to join any political party they belong to or like, and all should be given the opportunity to campaign with pictures, signboards and other political paraphernalia and so nobody should intimidate the other as far as this year’s activities politically is concerned,” he said.

He also urged the youth to respect the rule of law and the electoral process, and to avoid any acts that could disrupt the peace and stability of the country.

A call for fair and peaceful polls

The guest of honour at the festival, Chiana-Pio Pe Ditundini Adiali Ayagitam III, the president of the Upper East Regional House of Chiefs, echoed the Bawku Naba’s message of peace and harmony. He appealed to all the major players in the elections, including the Electoral Commission, the security agencies, the political parties, the media, and the civil society, to ensure a free and fair contest.

“Past elections have seen violence, intimidation and loss of precious lives. My plea is for all major players in this important national exercise to allow peace to prevail during and after the elections,” he said.

He also advised the youth not to allow themselves to be used by unscrupulous politicians to cause mayhem or chaos before, during or after the polls. He said that the youth are the future of the nation, and that they should use their energies and talents for positive development.

A celebration of culture and unity

The Danjuar Festival is an annual event that celebrates the culture, history and achievements of the Bimoba people, who are one of the ethnic groups in the Kusaug area. The festival also serves as a platform for fostering unity and cooperation among the people, as well as promoting social and economic development.

The festival featured various cultural performances, such as dances, songs, poetry, and drama, as well as exhibitions of local products and crafts. The Danjuar Festival also honoured some individuals and organizations that have contributed to the development of the Bimoba community.

In conclusion, the festival was attended by thousands of people from different walks of life, including representatives from the government, the diplomatic corps, the private sector, the academia, the media, and the general public.

Source: Modern Ghana 

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