Home » NPP NEC Forms Reconciliation Committees for Unity

NPP NEC Forms Reconciliation Committees for Unity

The ruling party in Ghana seeks to resolve internal conflicts ahead of the 2024 elections

by Victor Adetimilehin

The New Patriotic Party (NPP), the governing party in Ghana, has announced the establishment of reconciliation committees in all 16 regions of the country. The move is aimed at promoting party unity and harmony among its members, following a series of party activities and events that have generated some disagreements and tensions.

The NPP’s General Secretary, Justin Kodua Frimpong, issued a statement on February 1, 2024, explaining that the party’s leadership, in consultation with the respective Regional Executive Committees, set up the regional reconciliation committees. He said the committees were tasked with ensuring peace and cohesion in each constituency in their regions.

Resolving post-election issues

According to the statement, the committees will also address any issues that have arisen from all party activities or events, including but not limited to polling station elections, constituency elections, regional elections, national elections, presidential elections, and parliamentary elections.

The NPP noted that some of these activities and events have resulted in some misunderstandings, disputes, and violent incidents among some party members and supporters. The party expressed its regret over such unfortunate situations and appealed to all aggrieved parties to exercise restraint and seek redress through the appropriate channels.

The party also expressed its gratitude to the distinguished individuals who have agreed to serve as members of the regional reconciliation committees. The statement said the party was confident that these eminent persons would use their wisdom, experience, and influence to foster unity and harmony within the party.

Preparing for the 2024 elections

The NPP said the formation of the reconciliation committees was part of its preparations for the 2024 general elections, in which the party hopes to retain power and continue its development agenda for the country. The party said it was committed to delivering on its promises to the Ghanaian people and ensuring good governance, economic growth, and social welfare.

They also urged all its members and supporters to rally behind the party’s vision and work together for a resounding victory in 2024. The party said it was counting on the loyalty, dedication, and sacrifice of its grassroots to make this possible.

The NPP also called on all Ghanaians to support the government’s efforts to address the challenges facing the nation, especially in the areas of health, education, infrastructure, and security. The party said it was optimistic that Ghana would overcome its difficulties and achieve its aspirations of becoming a prosperous and peaceful nation.

A hopeful note

The NPP’s initiative to form reconciliation committees has been welcomed by some political analysts and civil society groups, who have commended the party for taking a proactive step to resolve its internal conflicts and prevent further escalation. They have also urged the other political parties in the country to emulate the NPP’s example and adopt similar measures to enhance their internal democracy and stability.

The NPP’s reconciliation committees are expected to begin their work soon and submit their reports and recommendations to the party’s leadership within a specified timeframe. The party has assured the public that it will implement the outcomes of the reconciliation process and ensure that justice and fairness prevail in the party.

Source: Modern Ghana 

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