Home » UTAG Delays Strike After Successful Talks with Government

UTAG Delays Strike After Successful Talks with Government

UTAG Strikes Deferred: Successful Negotiations with Government Yield Progress

by Ikeoluwa Juliana Ogungbangbe
UTAG postpones strike

The University Teachers Association of Ghana (UTAG) has decided to delay any potential strike action following productive negotiations with the government regarding their conditions of service (CoS). In a press release issued by UTAG, it was revealed that significant headway had been made during discussions with the government, particularly concerning three main issues: payroll, non-payroll, and monetary matters.

According to the statement, UTAG and the government have reached an agreement on payroll items, effective January 1, 2024. Implementation of these changes is expected to occur promptly to ensure members see the adjustments reflected in their payslips. However, discussions on non-payroll and income-generating fund (IGF)-related matters are ongoing at the branch level. Each Branch Executive is engaging with their respective management to finalize agreed figures, which will then be submitted to the Fair Wages and Salaries Commission (FWSC) for further review and action.

Furthermore, a joint committee comprising representatives from UTAG/TUTAG, FWSC, and Vice Chancellors Ghana (VCG) has been established to address non-monetary issues. This committee is expected to convene soon to finalize decisions on critical matters pending resolution. UTAG emphasized its commitment to formalizing the CoS document once agreements are reached on all outstanding issues. The association clarified that this agreement would be subject to renegotiation every two years to ensure its continued relevance and effectiveness.

Despite initial concerns and strong support for strike action among branch members due to perceived delays in negotiations, UTAG’s National Executive Council (NEC) has opted to defer any strike action until further notice. This decision follows the signing of the agreement on payroll items and the upcoming discussions on non-monetary issues with FWSC.

UTAG expressed appreciation to its members nationwide for their patience and understanding throughout the negotiation process. The association also extended gratitude to the Minister of Education, the Ministry of Finance, FWSC, and other stakeholders for their efforts in expediting the negotiation process and ensuring a favorable outcome for university teachers.

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