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The Secrets of Ghana’s Sexual Behaviors

2022 Survey Reveals Startling Trends in Intimacy and Health

by Oluwatosin Racheal Alabi

In contemporary Ghana, the discourse on sexual behaviors is evolving, reflecting a society at the crossroads of tradition and modernity. This transformation is vividly captured in the 2022 Ghana Demographic and Health Survey conducted by the Ghana Statistical Service. The survey’s findings, which delve into the intricate details of sexual practices among Ghanaians aged 15 to 49, mark a significant departure from the erstwhile reticence surrounding public discussions on sexuality.

The revelations from the survey are profound. It highlights that sexual behavior in Ghana is not homogenous but varies significantly across different demographics, including marital status, age, and education levels. For instance, the survey uncovers that 17.5% of married Ghanaian men engage in sexual relations outside their marriage. This statistic is further nuanced by the fact that 18.4% of these men have had sexual intercourse with partners other than their wives. The situation is even more pronounced among divorced, separated, or widowed men, with 18.7% having more than two partners and a staggering 69.9% engaging in sexual intercourse outside of marriage.

The survey also sheds light on the sexual activities of younger men, revealing that about 10% of those aged 15-24 have multiple partners, and 35.2% have had sexual encounters outside of marriage. This behavior contrasts sharply with that of young women in the same age group, 80% of whom engage in unprotected sex, despite widespread awareness (79%) that condom use can significantly reduce the risk of HIV transmission. This discrepancy underscores a critical gap in sexual health education and practice among Ghanaian youth.

The implications of these behaviors on public health are significant, as evidenced by the Ghana AIDS Commission’s 2022 report, which shows that females account for two-thirds of new HIV infections in Ghana, highlighting a gender disparity in the impact of unsafe sexual practices.

The survey also explores the relationship between education and sexual behavior, revealing a gendered disparity. Among men, higher education correlates with a higher likelihood of having multiple sexual partners. This trend is reversed among women, where higher educational attainment is associated with fewer sexual partners, suggesting that education plays a complex role in shaping sexual behaviors differently for men and women.

Contraceptive use is another critical area the survey addresses, highlighting the prevalence of traditional methods over modern ones, especially in urban areas. This preference indicates a need for increased awareness and accessibility of modern contraceptive methods to prevent unintended pregnancies and sexually transmitted infections.

The utilization of contraception varies significantly between urban and rural settings, with a slightly higher usage of modern methods in rural areas compared to urban areas. This variation underscores the importance of tailored sexual health education and services that consider the unique needs and preferences of different communities.

The survey’s findings underscore a critical demand for family planning among currently married women, with 60% expressing a need for contraception. This figure encompasses both those currently using a method of contraception and those with an unmet need, highlighting significant gaps in family planning services.

The 2022 Ghana Demographic and Health Survey offers a comprehensive overview of sexual behaviors in Ghana, revealing complex patterns influenced by marital status, age, education, and geography. These findings underscore the need for nuanced, culturally sensitive public health interventions that address the diverse needs of the Ghanaian population. As Ghana continues to navigate the delicate balance between tradition and modernity, the insights from this survey provide a valuable foundation for informed policy-making and programming in sexual and reproductive health.

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