Home » UCC Professor Urges Creation of Blue Economy Authority

UCC Professor Urges Creation of Blue Economy Authority

Prof. Aheto's Vision for Harnessing Oceanic Resources in Africa

by Adenike Adeodun

Prof. Denis Aheto of the University of Cape Coast (UCC) is championing the need for a Blue Economy Authority. This initiative aims to coordinate blue economy activities, maximizing benefits for Ghana and Africa. Prof. Aheto, a Coastal Ecology expert and Director at the Centre for Coastal Management, made this call during his lecture, “Our Oceans: Securing our common future through transformative research.”

According to a report by the Daily Graphic, he highlighted the blue economy’s diverse sectors and their potential benefits. According to Prof. Aheto, strategic investments are crucial for these sectors’ growth. The ocean and tourism sectors annually generate about $133 billion. Thus, he argues, these sectors need more focus in Ghana and Africa.

The professor expressed concerns about the ocean’s neglect, despite covering 70 percent of Earth. He cited a world development report stressing the importance of human resource development. These efforts are key to poverty reduction, gender equity, and environmental conservation.

Implementing sustainable development goals, Prof. Aheto notes, requires research-based strategies. Involving stakeholders in policymaking is vital. The marine and coastal development industry is worth an estimated $3 trillion annually. It offers vast opportunities for economic gains.

Oceans provide half of Earth’s oxygen but often lack attention. Their health is crucial for humanity, offering renewable energy, food security, and tourism opportunities. Despite its potential, the sector faces challenges. Illegal fishing and piracy are significant issues. Addressing these requires continuous efforts to protect oceans and maximize related fields’ benefits.

Ghana’s coastline is receding at a rate of 1.5 meters per year. Prof. Aheto stresses the need for structured policies to protect affected communities. The Centre for Coastal Management at UCC is training manpower to tackle these issues.

The UCC Vice-Chancellor praised Prof. Aheto and the centre’s contributions to coastal management. The university pledges ongoing support for their training and research goals.

Prof. Aheto, with over ten years of experience, manages donor-funded projects worth over $15 million. His work includes the establishment of UCC’s Centre for Coastal Management. In 2015, UCC honored him for his significant contributions.

Internationally, Prof. Aheto serves on several prestigious panels. These include the UN Pool of Experts and the World Bank’s Technical Advisory Committee. He is also on the Advisory Board for USAID’s Feed the Future program.

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