Home » Neglected Bachabor-Doo Pleads for Basic Amenities

Neglected Bachabor-Doo Pleads for Basic Amenities

by Victor Adetimilehin

Bachabor-Doo, a vital farming community in the heart of the Northern Region, finds itself at a crossroads. With over 1,000 resilient souls toiling the earth, this community acts as a lifeline, producing essential crops and sustenance for the region. However, despite its undeniable contribution to regional food security, it stands deprived and underdeveloped, with a plea echoing through its dusty lanes.

One glaring issue that leaves Bachabor-Doo isolated is its crumbling road network. A lifeline to Mion, the district capital, this vital artery has seen no respite from neglect for decades. In the rainy season, the road morphs into an impassable quagmire, effectively cutting off the community from the rest of the district and region. Farmers are left helpless, unable to transport their harvest to city markets, a blow that strikes hardest during the downpours. Bachelor-Doo’s road, it seems, remains an undying relic of neglect.

Another striking deficit is the absence of electricity. A project initiated in 2016 offered hope but promptly dimmed post-elections. Today, electricity poles and cables stand as silent witnesses, exposed to the unforgiving elements. Vital amenities, like a Community Health Planning Services (CHPS) compound, a dilapidated three-unit classroom block, and a lone borehole, were mercifully provided by non-governmental organizations (NGOs). Nonetheless, these offerings remain insufficient for the growing demands of the community.

The residents, with heavy hearts, struggle to identify any notable projects delivered by past administrations. The road’s squalor, lack of electricity, and the inability to access fundamental social amenities in the district capital cast shadows on daily life, especially for women. Magnakigak Tignannaginne, a resident, sheds light on the struggles of pregnant women, who risk life and limb to reach Mion for medical care. Baba Salifu adds that the community’s electric dreams were shattered after the 2016 project’s abandonment.

Faced with perpetual neglect, the Chief of Bachabor-Doo, Ubor Binagma Bachabor, contemplates a drastic step – boycotting elections to voice their collective discontent. Security remains an ongoing concern as the community stands bereft of a police station. A desperate plea echoes through the Northern Region: Provide the essential amenities that can alleviate our plight, they implore.

In response, the District Chief Executive of Mion, Samuel Negin Mahama, assures the community that it has not been forgotten. He acknowledges the pressing needs and vows that Bachabor-Doo will soon receive its share of development.

As we move towards 2030, with Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) advocating for quality education, sustainable cities, and the well-being of all citizens, Bachelor-Doo’s plight remains a stark reminder. These goals may seem distant for communities like Bachabor-Doo, but hope springs eternal. Bachabor-Doo serves as a testament to human resilience in the face of adversity, and it’s up to all of us to make the promise of a better future a reality.

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