Home » Teachers to Get Mandatory Dyslexia Training

Teachers to Get Mandatory Dyslexia Training

by Adenike Adeodun

In light of Dyslexia Awareness Month this October, the Africa Dyslexia Organisation is calling on the Ghana Ministry of Education and the Ghana Education Service (GES) to make dyslexia training compulsory for teachers across all educational levels in both public and private institutions in Ghana.

Dyslexia and associated learning disabilities impact a substantial portion of students. Without proper understanding and intervention:

• Addressing Learning Challenges: According to a report by Graphic Online, many talented students face marginalisation, which in turn hampers their potential contributions to society and their personal growth.

• Closing Educational Gaps: Given the current educational disparities in Ghana, obligatory training for teachers on dyslexia is a pivotal move. This not only narrows the gap but fosters an educational climate where every student has the chance to excel.

• Empowering Educators: By equipping teachers with appropriate training, they are better poised to shape the educational journeys of students with learning disabilities, resulting in improved academic results nationwide.

• Boosting National Progress: Investing in inclusive education bolsters Ghana’s socio-economic prospects. This commitment not only uplifts individual learners but also fortifies a resilient and inventive society ready for 21st-century dynamics.

• Embracing Inclusion: Such educational reforms accentuate Ghana’s dedication to fostering a society where everyone can thrive despite their learning disparities.

• Augmenting Global Repute: As global competition heightens, Ghana must prioritise an inclusive and adaptive educational system. Dyslexia training is more than just a need; it’s a strategic move that enhances Ghana’s global reputation by nurturing an inclusive and competent future workforce.

The Africa Dyslexia Organisation stands ready to partner with educational bodies in curating pertinent training content. A foundational grasp of dyslexia among educators is crucial, guiding Ghana towards an inclusive education framework that genuinely serves all students.

In Conclusion

The world increasingly leans towards diversity and inclusivity. Instituting mandatory training on dyslexia for educators propels Ghana into a future where every child can tap into their potential. By synergizing the efforts of the government, educational authorities, and entities like the Africa Dyslexia Organisation, the vision of a holistic and prosperous educational environment in Ghana becomes achievable.

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