Home » Parliament Teams With IoD-Ghana to Advance Good Governance

Parliament Teams With IoD-Ghana to Advance Good Governance

by Adenike Adeodun

Speaker of Parliament Alban Bagbin expressed the Parliament’s dedication to partnering with significant stakeholders, especially the Institute of Directors-Ghana (IoD-Ghana), to drive Ghana’s growth. Bagbin emphasized the importance of innovating systems and methods to empower the industry and promote expansion.

These sentiments emerged from a message delivered on behalf of Mr. Bagbin during an IoD-Ghana gathering in Accra. This significant meeting also witnessed the induction of 22 fresh members (16 full-fledged and six associate members) into the esteemed institute.

Additionally, the occasion marked the introduction of the Sixth IoD-Ghana Excellence Awards, a gesture to acknowledge and celebrate exceptional corporate governance.

According to a report by Graphic Online, the speaker emphasized the pressing need to cultivate an environment conducive to robust corporate governance, laying the foundation for industries to flourish. Reflecting on his deep-rooted affiliation with the industrial sector and his relentless pursuit of national development through legal channels, Bagbin acknowledged the pivotal role of industries. They produce essential goods and services that sustain life and significantly contribute to nations’ economic structures.

He also highlighted directors’ indispensable role in formulating the organization’s vision, mission, and objectives. Bagbin pointed out the recently unveiled corporate governance code project, which he believes necessitates collective endorsement. While this code strives to instill an environment enriched with ethical leadership and quality-driven decisions, launching the Excellence Awards is an additional stimulus. This encourages embracing top-tier corporate norms, further reinforcing governance excellence throughout Ghana.

Providing further insights, Prof. Collins Ntim, Chairman of the corporate governance code’s technical committee, stated the code’s dynamic nature. Designed to navigate the ever-evolving business milieu, the code will undergo revisions every three years. Furthermore, requisite amendments will be integrated into alignment with shifts in the business spectrum.

Ntim also discussed the institute’s aspirations to extend this governance ethos beyond the corporate realm. Collaborative dialogues with the Ministry of Education aim to embed this code within academic syllabi, from primary education to higher academic tiers. The overarching vision transcends mere rules, delving deep into behavioral paradigms.

Shining a spotlight on IoD-Ghana’s transformative trajectory, its president, Rev. Angela Carmen Appiah, spoke of the institute’s commendable achievements in Ghana’s governance realm.
IoD-Ghana has evolved since its inception in 1999, transitioning from an elite assembly to a more inclusive directorial fellowship.

Appiah accentuated the institute’s profound influence in sculpting the nation’s economic narrative while shaping policies aligned with sustainable growth and development.

Source: Graphic Online

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