Home » Ghana Disbars Top Prosecutor Amid Financial Scandal

Ghana Disbars Top Prosecutor Amid Financial Scandal

Samuel Nerquaye-Tetteh stripped of law license after controversial GH¢400,000 transfer, shaking the nation's legal foundations.

by Adenike Adeodun

In a landmark decision that has sent shockwaves through Ghana’s legal community, Chief State Attorney Samuel Nerquaye-Tetteh has been permanently disbarred from practicing law by the General Legal Council (GLC). This stern action comes in response to Nerquaye-Tetteh’s involvement in a financial scandal dating back to 2011, which has since tarnished the esteemed reputation of the legal profession in Ghana.

According to a report by Ghana Web, the controversy at the heart of this disciplinary action involved a transaction of GH¢400,000 from businessman Alfred Agbesi Woyome to the bank account of Nerquaye-Tetteh’s wife. At the time of the transaction, Nerquaye-Tetteh was actively defending the state in a lawsuit filed by Woyome, raising serious questions about the integrity and impartiality of his legal practice.

The Disciplinary Committee of the GLC, tasked with regulating the conduct and ethics of legal professionals, found Nerquaye-Tetteh guilty of professional misconduct under Rule 2(2) of the Legal Profession (Professional Conduct and Etiquette) Rules, 1969 (L.I. 613). The investigation revealed that Nerquaye-Tetteh could not provide a credible explanation for the substantial transfer of funds to his wife’s account, which directly contravened the ethical standards expected of someone in his position.

On January 31, 2024, the GLC issued a notice stating that Nerquaye-Tetteh’s actions had adversely affected “the dignity and high standing of the legal profession.” Consequently, he has been instructed to cease holding himself out as a lawyer, attending chambers, or rendering any professional legal services to the public. This withdrawal of his practicing license signifies a decisive move by the GLC to uphold the integrity and trustworthiness of the legal profession in Ghana.

The disbarment of Samuel Nerquaye-Tetteh serves as a potent reminder of the ethical obligations that bind legal practitioners and the severe consequences of breaching these duties. By taking such a firm stance, the GLC aims to restore public confidence in the legal system and ensure that the profession remains a bastion of integrity and justice. As the legal community and the wider public come to terms with the implications of this case, the message is clear: ethical lapses will not be tolerated, and accountability within the legal profession is paramount.

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