Home » Former Speaker Urges Voters to Reject Tribal Politics in Ghana

Former Speaker Urges Voters to Reject Tribal Politics in Ghana

Doe Adjaho appeals to Frankadua residents to elect NDC candidates in 2024 elections

by Victor Adetimilehin

Doe Adjaho, the former speaker of parliament, has called on the people of Frankadua and its surrounding areas in the Asuogyaman constituency to vote for the National Democratic Congress (NDC) candidates in the upcoming 2024 parliamentary and presidential elections.

Adjaho made the appeal during a tour of the Eastern Region by former President John Mahama, who is seeking to return to power after losing the 2020 elections to the incumbent Nana Akufo-Addo.

Adjaho said that electing NDC candidates would ensure the development of the constituency and the country, especially if Mahama wins the presidency. He added that politics should not be based on tribal affiliations, but on the policies and programs that would benefit the people.

Reject money politics

The former speaker also warned the residents not to fall for monetary inducements from other parties during the elections. He said that accepting money for votes would amount to selling their birthright and jeopardizing their future and that of their children.

He urged them to vote against those who would try to buy their votes with money or gifts, and instead choose those who have their best interests at heart.

“You’ve seen what is happening in the country, things are hard now, so for a better future don’t look at what will be given to you. I’ll urge you not to take the money, but to vote against them,” Adjaho passionately advised.

Support Mahama’s vision

Adjaho also asked the people to support Mahama’s vision of creating a prosperous, inclusive and sustainable Ghana. He said that Mahama had proven his leadership skills and competence when he was president from 2012 to 2017, and that he had the experience and the plans to transform the country.

He highlighted some of the achievements of the Mahama administration, such as the expansion of infrastructure, the provision of social services, the promotion of agriculture and the creation of jobs. Adjaho also praised Mahama for his handling of the Ebola outbreak in 2014, which he said showed his commitment to protecting the health and lives of Ghanaians.

He said that Mahama had a clear agenda for the next four years, which included implementing the Free Primary Health Care policy, reviving the economy, creating one million jobs, expanding access to education and investing in renewable energy.

A peaceful and credible election

Adjaho also appealed to the Electoral Commission and the security agencies to ensure a peaceful and credible election in 2024. He said that Ghana had a reputation for being a beacon of democracy in Africa, and that it was important to maintain that status.

He said that the NDC was a peaceful and law-abiding party, and that it would respect the will of the people. Adjaho asked the NDC supporters to remain calm and vigilant, and to avoid any acts of violence or intimidation.

He also called on the international community and the media to monitor the election process and report any irregularities or malpractices.

Adjaho concluded his speech by expressing his confidence in the NDC’s victory in 2024. He said that he believed that the people of Frankadua and Ghana would make the right choice and vote for change.

He said that the NDC was ready to serve the nation with honesty, integrity and accountability. Adjaho said that the NDC was the party of hope, and that it would work hard to make Ghana a better place for all.

He thanked the people for their warm reception and their support for the NDC. He asked them to pray for Mahama and the NDC candidates, and to turn out in their numbers on election day.

Source: Modern Ghana 

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