Home » Crumbling Roads in Ghana’s Bono Region Halt Economic Progress

Crumbling Roads in Ghana’s Bono Region Halt Economic Progress

by Adenike Adeodun

In Ghana’s Bono Region, a critical hub for commercial agriculture and agribusiness, the deplorable state of road infrastructure is causing a significant slowdown in socio-economic activities. The region’s road networks, vital for its thriving farmer population of 361,979, have become dangerous due to neglect, affecting daily life and commerce.

Spanning 11,107 square kilometers, the Bono Region is essential to Ghana’s food security. However, its key economic roads, linking communities to district and regional capitals, are contending with severe deterioration. Except for the well-maintained Sunyani-Berekum-Dormaa Ahenkro Highway and Menji-Banda Road, most routes across the region are nearly impassable.

Notable roads in critical condition include the Sunyani-Chiraa-Techiman Highway and the Berekum-Sampa Road. These routes are essential for transporting foodstuffs to market centers, yet their poor state hinders this vital economic activity.

The Bono Regional Department of Urban Roads reports a total of 1,005 kilometers of urban roads, comprising 372 kilometers paved and 633 kilometers unpaved. The poor condition of these roads not only impedes mobility but also adversely affects residents’ health and stifles revenue generation, hindering overall development.

Daily Graphic’s recent visit to the region revealed that many roads, including town roads, were bumpy, dusty, and riddled with potholes. Erosion has worsened their condition, making driving dangerous and affecting the health of vehicles and commuters.

The appalling state of the region’s road network has brought many socio-economic activities to a near halt. Farmers and residents face immense difficulty in transporting produce to market centers. Even town roads in major towns and district capitals, including the regional capital Sunyani, are in a dire state.

According to a report by Daily Graphic, the President of the Bono Regional House of Chiefs, Osagyefo Oseadeeyo Agyemang Badu II, has repeatedly expressed concern over the region’s lagging road infrastructure. The Bono regional communicators of the New Patriotic Party (NPP) even boycotted radio discussions due to the road conditions, highlighting the negative perception among residents.

Responding to these concerns, Bono Regional Minister Justina Owusu-Banahene has pledged to advocate for road rehabilitation. She has committed to working with the Department of Urban Roads, Highways, and Feeder Roads to improve the situation.

The plight of the region’s roads has elicited widespread lamentations from various community members. Farmers, traders, drivers, and healthcare workers are calling for immediate government action to repair and improve the road network. Better road infrastructure is crucial for market access, employment opportunities, and access to essential services like healthcare and education.

The consensus in Bono is clear: urgent measures are needed to rehabilitate the roads and reconnect the region with the rest of Ghana, reviving the agricultural and agribusiness sectors.

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