Home » Businesses Pushed to Include Breast Cancer Aid in CSR Efforts

Businesses Pushed to Include Breast Cancer Aid in CSR Efforts

by Adenike Adeodun

Business sector institutions should embed support for breast cancer patients in their Corporate Social Responsibility (CSR) efforts. This action would significantly amplify the government’s support for the afflicted.

Victoria Baaba Asare, Deputy Comptroller General of Immigration for Legal, made this call. Highlighting the increasing patient numbers and limited government resources, she emphasized that even small contributions from individuals and organizations can deeply impact patients and their families.

“Businesses must proactively integrate support for breast cancer victims into their CSR initiatives to back our affected community members,” Asare stated at a breast cancer awareness and screening event in Accra this week.

Breast Care International, the Immigration Ladies Association (IMMILAC) of the Ghana Immigration Service, Women in Aviation, and Delta Airlines collaborated on this program, underscoring the issue’s urgency.

Asare, also the head of IMMILAC, pointed out that early detection and treatment often lead to curing breast cancer. Beyond raising awareness, the challenge includes fostering community bonds, urging regular screenings, and honoring the resilience of survivors. She added that while breast cancer predominantly affects women, men too face this threat.

Dr. Beatrice Wiafe-Addai, CEO of Breast Care International, provided startling statistics, disclosing that breast cancer caused 685,000 global deaths in 2020.

Graphic Online reported that Ghana sees over 4,000 diagnoses annually, accounting for almost 32% of all cancer cases. She emphasized that women must perform self-examinations and promptly seek medical counsel.

Yet misunderstandings about breast cancer persist. Dr. Wiafe-Addai pinpointed the need for clarity, stating, “Many mistakenly believe it’s a spiritual condition, driving women to prayer camps. They need education on its medical nature and the benefits of early medical intervention.”

She also cautioned against unregulated alternative remedies. A growing number of women opt for herbal treatments without official endorsements. It remains vital to spread awareness about the dangers of such decisions.

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